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Brighid stirred the hospital bed. She was just walking up from the emergency surgery she had.

"Brighid?" Deb said jumping up from the chair in the corner. She placed the purse that was on her lap onto the chair and ran to Brighid's side.

"Are you okay honey?" Deb asked.

"My head hurts" Brighid stirred. She held her head while looking around the unfamiliar room.

"How bad is the pain?" Deb asked holding her daughters hand. The maternal instinct instantly taking over.

Suddenly a knock came from the door. The doctor was looking over the charts as he walked in.

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking between Brighid and Deb.

"She's complaining of pain in her head" Deb muttered.

"Hmmmm" the doctor muttered. He pulled out his light and flashed it across her eyes. "We will order a head CT just to be safe but everything checks out good"

"Thank you" Deb said to the doctor.

"So....what are you doing home?" Brighid questioned once he left, she had a mean tone. The last she remembered her mother was working with foundation traveling across the country.

"I've been home" Deb said with a concerned look.

"Aren't you working with the foundation. Saving the planet right... at least thats what dad said" Brighid snuffed making a harsh comment at her mother. "Where is dad anyways?" Brighid asked looking around.

"He's in the lobby. Do you want him?" Deb asked.

"Not if he's mad at me. I know the semi-finals is coming up and the girls basketball team is relying on me" Brighid commented. Deb stood still the doorway.

"Brig, honey what grade are you in?"

"9th, although I think I'm going to try and skip a grade. At least that's what the counselor recommended"

Deb's eyes bulged from her face and she quickly rushed out of the room.

"Dan" Deb called out from the hallway that led to the lobby. He looked up instantly noticing Deb's concerned face.

"Is everything okay?" Dan asked. Deb walked down back to the room standing right outside.

"She's got amnesia or something. She think she's back in 9th grade playing girls basketball and that I'm a workaholic" Deb explained.

"This is good" Dan said with a smile.

"Good? Tell me Dan, how is this good?" Deb questioned completely outraged by Dan's behavior.

"She forgets the boy, the baby, cheerleading. She can go back to the way things were"

"Dan that's just wrong"

"Deb it's for the best" Dan said with a sinister smirk.

"Dan-" Deb fought.

"If you'll excuse me I'm going to see my daughter" Dan said pushing Deb to the side and walking into the hospital room.

"Dad when can I leave?" Brighid asked.

"Soon, I'll sign the papers tonight and hopefully you can leave in the morning"

"What about basketball? Am I out for the season?" Brighid asked all concerned looking at the cast on her elbow.

"Give it a few weeks. You'll be good as new" Dan said with a smile.

Later that night Nathan and Haley walked in.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Nathan asked sitting down.

"Nathan, who is that?" Brighid asked referring to Haley.

"It's Haley, Brig" Nathan said looking confused. Dan walked back in with a coffee in hand.

"Nathan, hey, can we speak outside for a second" Dan said placing the coffee down. Haley stayed in the room while Nathan and Dan went to talk.

"What's up dad?" Nathan asked.

"She doesn't remember this last year. The doctors said not to overwhelm her and just go along with it" Dan lied. The doctors had mentioned quite the opposite to help jog her memories.

"Dad, you can't be serious"

"I'm very serious Nate. Now get Haley out of here" Dan said sternly. Nathan sighed walking back in.

"Hey we have to go but I'll see you at home" Nathan said escorting Haley out. Brighid laid in the bed confused as to what had just happened.

"Good news. You're leaving tomorrow" Dan said all cheery walking back into the room. Brighid smiled at the good news. 

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now