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After spending an amazing evening together as a family Brighid and Jake walked into school happy. The two holding hands, acting like a real couple.

"What's going on?" Brighid asked as they saw everyone gathered in the hallway. One of the tv screens revealed the videos from the time capsule being shown.

Lucas' video was on which meant Brighid's was next.

"Noooo no no" Brighid muttered under her breath as her face flashed on the screen. She hid behind her hand only hearing the video play.

"Life, well life for me is far from great right now. It's a disaster actually. I have one brother who no longer acts like my brother. His wife left him and he's clearly heartbroken. He feels like he has no family but I just want to show him I'm here, but he won't let me. I have another brother who is now living with me and honestly, it's annoying. He's great and all but him coming to our house to be a family is just- it's not the same without Nathan. I'm so in love with this guy and he's great. I'm so dumb though, cause I slept with this guy Felix because of some dumb friends with benefits agreement. I feel guilty when I look at Jake. I try to remind myself that it's just high school and drama is always to follow. Then I remember I'm not a normal high schooler. I'm a teen mom with a gorgeous baby who I can't even take care of, I have fucked up parents who hate each other and either sleep with their sibling or lie to each other, I have two brothers with different mothers who are back to hating each other. Sometimes I just think life would be so much simpler if I just kept with the path that was laid out for me. Played varsity basketball, got good grades, liked all the boys in the world but was safe, and most importantly never met Lucas, my other brother. It would be just the four of us, dysfunctional yes, but at least the family I grew up with. So this is my psa to the kids in 2055 don't wish anything upon yourself that you're not ready to handle"

"You slept with Felix?" Jake asked running his hands threw his hair.

"It was a year ago. And a mistake" Brighid called out trying to grasp onto Jake's shirt. He walked down the hall mad.

"Let him go" Nathan said placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned her attention back to the screen to see Lucas underneath staring at her.

"I fucked up Nathan" Brighid muttered.

"We both did" Nathan responded.

Just then another video flashed on the screen. The boy looked slightly familiar to Brighid. He began to talk about how everyone was losers, mean and manipulative. He went on to list those with secrets.

"Katy Rosen miss 4.0 gpa cheated on all her finals"

"Students are dismissed for the day. Classes are canceled" the principal announced. Everyone sighed a thankful breath.
Later that night Brighid was backstage at the benefit concert Peyton put together for Ellie.

"Hey, can you believe what happened today" Brighid said to Brooke who looked fuming.

"Yeah, what a traitor right" Brooke said loudly looking at mouth before walking away. Mouth looked defeated which made Brighid think it was him.

"Brooke just wait" Mouth called out chasing after her. Brighid had back to the audience hoping Jake would show. On her way out she witnessed three guys ganging up on the boy from the video.

She stood there frozen trying to think fo something to do. Feeling helpless she tried tripping one of the guys which resulted in her getting shoved to the ground. Lucas and Nathan came over throwing some punches.

"Are you alright?" Mouth asked. Lucas went to help the guy on the ground.

"Leave me alone! Just forget about it. And forget about me" the boy said running off.

"Brig? You okay?" Nathan asked helping her up. Lucas came running over.

"I'm fine" she said. Feeling slightly sore and expecting bruises. "Look Luke, I'm sorry about the video today. I can understand if you're mad-"

"Water under the bridge. You sure you're okay?" Lucas asked examining Brighid.

"I'm fine really. Thanks you guys" Brighid said. She walked out to the audience to find Jake hanging in the back.

"Was there a fight?" Jake asked concerned watching security escort Russ and his friends out.

"It's taken care of. About the video today. I want to start by-"

"Brighid I thought about it and I'm over it. Plus I wasn't the nicest guy in my video either. I was just taken back" Jake explained wrapping his arm around Brighid. She snuggled up next to him watching the next act perform.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now