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Brighid took Jenny downtown to get ice cream. The two slowly walked to the ice cream parlor when Brighid noticed Karen's cafe had a new owner.

"Mom?" Jenny asked noticing Brighid was staring at something.

"Jenny this is where mommy and daddy use to hang. We brought you a lot. Uncle Lucas' mom owned it and I use to work here sometimes with Aunt Haley"

"Daddy said he use to sing here" Jenny commented.

"Yeah. I loved when Daddy sang" Brighid said. Suddenly the front door of the store opened and Brooke walked out.

"B. Davis?" Brighid asked. Brooke turned around.

"B. Scott? Oh my god. Jenny" Brooke exclaimed hugging the two.

"Aunt Brooke" Jenny exclaimed as Brooke picked her up.

"What are you doing here?" Brooke asked.

"I should be asking you the same? You opening a cafe?" Brighid asked. Brooke smiled at the store.

"No, I'm opening Clothes Over Bros here. Victoria doesn't know yet but she won't be happy. So are you done for the season?" Brooke asked. They began to walk down the street again.

"Here for a couple of weeks. I'll be back by the end of the month. I'm just hoping Jake and I can work things about before I leave"

"You two were always destined for each other" Brooke said before placing Jenny back down on the ground. The three said goodbye before Brighid and Jenny continued on their way.

"So how's basketball going?"

"I quit. I like dance better"

"Oh. That's nice. I can't wait to see you dance" Brighid said shocked. She would have expected Jake to mention something like that at some point. "Hey Jenny" Brighid said crouching down next to her daughter. "I just want you to know I love you. I don't like not being home"

"I know. But mom, I love when your home" Jenny said hugging Brighid. Brighid hugged her back feeling quite guilty for ever leaving in the first place. The two headed back to the house to clean up before dinner.

Brighid was in the kitchen cooking while Jenny sat at the island coloring. The front door opened and Brighid could hear keys jiggling and footsteps as the door closed.

"Dad" Jenny exclaimed jumping off the stool and running towards him, grasping his legs in a hug.

"Hey, Jenny. Have fun today with mom?" Jake asked looking up at Brighid who weakly smiled.

"We got ice cream and walked" Jenny began to explain. Jake smiled at Jenny before dropping his bag down on the floor.

"I'm cooking. I hope that's okay?" Brighid awkwardly asked. She had Jake had never been in this bad of a fight and this new territory only made the situation worse.

"Jenny won't eat that" Jake said quite coldly. Brighid dropped the spoon on the counter.

"Jenny can you go to your room for a minute?" Jake asked sensing Brighid was about to start something.

"No it's fine. I'm taking Jenny out for dinner. She can have whatever she wants there" Brighid kindly said taking off the apron and grabbing her bag. She grabbed Jenny's hand and lead her to the car where she helped her into her car seat.

Brighid began to drive to the local Italian restaurant, wiping the tears from her face.

After dinner Brighid drove back to the house to find Jake sitting on the porch steps. She slowed down he approached the car grabbing Jenny out from the back. Brighid rolled down her window.

"Go inside. I'll be in a minute" Jake whispered to Jenny. He patted her towards the front door, Brighid watched as she naive skipped inside.

"What's your problem? I'm here to make amends and you seem to want to make things worse?" Brighid asked. Jake scoffed at her sentence.

"You don't see it. You're turning into your father. You barely can juggle anything but basketball these days. Your daughter misses you"

"That was low" Brighid muttered.

"It's the truth"

"Dad come on" Jenny called from the front porch. Crayons and a color booking were in hand.

"I'm heading back to Seattle, early"

Jake shook his head and walked away not looking back. Brighid frustrated headed to the airport figuring it was best to head back to Seattle now instead of fighting with Jake even more.

As she sat in the chair near her terminal she realized she was acting exactly like her dad. Running away from her problems, using basketball as an excuse. She grabbed her bag and headed outside hailing a taxi.

Instead of heading home she needed to stop and talk to the one person who could offer her unbiased advice.

She watched as the taxi pulled away, leaving Tree Hill. The suburbs slowly faded and farmland took over. The taxi pulled up to a small quaint little house.

Brighid stepped out to see Whitey rocking on the porch.

"Is that Brighid Scott?" Whitey asked lifting his hat for a better view.

"Coach Whitey, hope I'm not bothering you. I need some advice" Brighid said. Whitey cracked a smile.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now