First kiss 1

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This was requested by: @geestape
I'm going to do something a little different, since I felt headcanons didn't really fit the request :)

Kyoko Kirigiri💜
You had been dating Kyoko for about two months now, the relationship had been moving slowly. You were okay with the slow pace though, you knew Kyoko had an issue with getting close to people. At the moment you were sat on the couch ,your head on her shoulder as the tv in front of you played a cheesy murder movie. You could feel her brain moving as she stared intensely at the screen, you smiled at her cute face, booping her noise and giggling. "This isn't your case y'know? You can just relax," you hummed. She looked away from you as her cheeks flushed, "yes, I know..." she met  your eyes her cheeks growing even more red. She took a deep breath, "can I .... kiss you?" Now it was your cheeks to heat up, "yes," she leaned forward, quickly closing the gap between the two of you. Her lips pressed against yours, it was a magical moment, there was nothing else, just the two of you.

Aoi Asahina ❤️
You were sat on the edge of the pool, your legs were hung over the side. "Hey! Y/n!! Look!!" Your eyes turned to you girlfriend, she was standing in the deep end. "I'm going to do a somersault!!" She had a big grin on her face as she lowered into the water, spinning around. After finishing up the trick she swam over to you, "Soooo, whaddya think?" She questioned, breathing heavy, as she brought her face close to yours. You giggled, " it was great, so great, I could kiss you." Aoi's face lit up, her cheeks dusting pink, " Please do!" "Oh, it was a joke but-," you closed the space between your faces, kissing her gently.

Celestia Ludenburg 🖤
You were doing an impromptu fashion show in her bedroom. "Darling ,what of do you think of this one?"Celestia stepped out from behind a curtain, wearing a dress very suited to her style. (It looks something like this)

"You look gorgeous, no surprise there, you always do

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"You look gorgeous, no surprise there, you always do." She chuckled as she moved a piece of hair out of her face, "you flatter me. What is a person like you doing dating me? Are you perhaps after me for my money?" You violently shook your head, "of course not!! There's a million reasons I'm dating you, but your money is not one." Celestia smiled softly as she made her way towards you, though you continued talking. "I'm dating you because you're beautiful, like seriously, you're gorgeous, you're intelligent, and you're so determined-," Celestia cut you off, her finger against your lips, "I'm going to kiss you now, is that alright ?" You nodded, entranced by her. She removed her finger, replacing it with her lips, forming a passionate kiss.

Sakura Oogami 💖
You were sat on the kitchen counter, humming to yourself,as you watched as you girlfriend carefully followed the instructions on the cookie box. You chuckled at the intense concentration on her face as she carefully mixed the batter, "are you sure ,you don't want any help?," you questioned. She sighed, turning around to help you, "that's sweet, but that would defeat the whole point me of making them for you." You slid off the counter shaking your head, "don't be silly, I don't care, as long we do it together," you smiled and grabbed a spoon, " just let me help." She shook her head, smiling, " okay, you can help." You two worked on the cookies, making the dough, baking the dough, and frosting the cookies. "See," you laughed as you frosted a heart shaped cookie, "it's more fun when we work as a team! After all, that's what relationships are all about." You turned to her, smiling. Her cheeks were bright pink, "You're right, I'm glad you enjoyed it." She smiled at you, then continued to frost a cookie. Your heart swelled at the sight of your adorable girlfriend, "can I kiss you?," you blurted out. She paused for a second, turning to you, "Yes, I'd like that." You stood on your tiptoes, pursed you're lips, and kissed your beautiful girlfriend.

Sayaka Maizono 💙
She was practicing her performance, and you were sitting on the floor watching her. She jumped up and down sing a gorgeous melody. You watched her in awe, she was in perfect rhythm with the music playing, you had seen her do it millions of times , and yet it amazed you every single one. The music suddenly stopped, as the song came to an end, Sayaka grabbed her water and gulped it down. She smiled down at you, "glad to see you're enjoying the show," you laughed at her, "you're just so good! Do you expect me not too?" She held out her hand to you, " wanna join me this time?," you hesitantly took her hand, standing up, "well ...I'm not sure if I can keep up with your choreography." She rolled her eyes, smiling, "we're not gonna do the groups routine. We can just do our own thing ,okay?" She turned on a random song and started dancing, you followed her lead, letting your body take control, you smiled as you and your girlfriend dance together. The song came to an end and you were stuck with Sayaka dipping you, " this would be a good time to kiss me," you grinned. Sayaka smiled as she brought as her face close to yours, so your noses touched, "don't mind if I do." Sayaka gently kissed you, her hand gently gripping your waist.

Toko Fukawa💜
You were bored, you wanted to spend time with your girlfriend, but she was caught up on the chapter she was writing. You huffed, hoping your girlfriend would catch on. She did not. "Toko?",you questioned, she simply hummed in response, "could you maybe ..take a break? I wanna spend time with you!" You pleaded, she rolled her eyes and sighed, "I-I have due dates, (y/n), and I never asked- asked you to be here." You puffed up your cheeks and pouted, "I know, but couldn't you just take a short break maybe 10 minutes?" She continued writing for a good minute, before responding to you, " if- if I kiss you will you- will you shut up?" You were surprised at the question, your cheeks dusting pink, "will you actually? Because I will leave you alone if you do!" Toko stood up from her chair, her face turned away from you, quickly walking toward you. She couldn't look you in the eyes, her face bright red, she brought her face to yours and kissed you. She hustled back to her seat ,her face as bright as Leon's hair, "now shut-shut up."

A/n: If any of you ever wanna talk or vent or anything I'm here!!
I swear I'm not mean and you will not be bothering me!!

A/n: If any of you ever wanna talk or vent or anything I'm here!!I swear I'm not mean and you will not be bothering me!!

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