Genocider catch up

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A date
-tbh you don't don't go on dates that much
-since she's Tokos alter ,just one sneeze and BOOM she's gone
-you make the most of your time though
-you just vibe and act like the cRaZy kids you are
-cuddles on rooftops are a must

Stealing their clothes
-so it's kinda weird
-cause technically it's her clothes
-but most likely Toko picked them out
-so Syo's just kinda like:
-"ew lame shirt"
-mission failed

For you:sexy,darling,doll
For her:sckissors wife,babe,Gen

Contact names
-okay so it's in Tokos phone so like
-they both use it so can't be specific
For you: (y/n)
For her: Toko/🖤Syo

When you're on your period
-again she's an alter
-so you may not even see her for half of that time
-when she finds out she's just kinda like
-she's a serial killer bro
-she sees blood alllll the time
-or at least used too

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