First kiss 2

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Mikan Tsumuki
"Ow.." you whined, rubbing your head,entering the nurses office. Your girlfriend squeaked as she rushed over to you, "areyouokaywhathappendimsorry," she messed with her hair as she gestured for you to sit down. You sat down on one of the, rather hard,nurses beds, "um... I hit my head." Mikan calmed down a little bit, " is it- does it-it hurt a lot? A-also where did you h-hit it?" "It's like a 3/10 I guess? I hit it against the hallway wall, while doing something." Mikan nodded, "it shouldn't h-have long lasting affects t-then. In- Infact," she walked over to a shelf behind her, searching the shelves for something. She grabbed a pill bottle and opened it, grabbing two pills and going over to the sink, she took a small plastic cup, filling it up with water. Mikan walked back over to you, holding out the cup and pills, "t-t-these should help w-with the pain." You smiled at her, grabbing the pills and downing the water, "thank you! I feel better already, but," you paused, looking up at her, " I would feel even better if you gave me a kiss. That is if you want too." Her face turned bright red, "I-I... would really like too," she leaned in close to your face, kissing you gently, before covering her face and rushing away.

Chiaki Nanami
It was just another day. You were sitting with your girlfriend before school,your armed wrapped around her as she played a video game, you stared at the beautiful sunrise. She suddenly sighed, "aw I died.." you pat her back as her head fell on your shoulder. You two sat in silence for a bit, "(y/n)?," Chiaki finally spoke up, you simply hummed in response, "am I a good girlfriend? I know I'm kinda standoffish and sometimes I pay to much attention to my games.." you turn your head to look a her, "Chiaki... you're a great girlfriend, I'm dating you for a reason after all." She but her lip for a moment, thinking, "you deserve a good girlfriend, I think. And I wanna give you that." You smiled, shaking your head, "you don't need to change for me," "okay, then can I kiss you?" She turned her face, looking you in the eye, "yes, I'd like that." She pursed her lips, moving her head to kiss you, it was gentle and quick.

Ibuki Mioda
It was after her performance, she had just finished playing one of her songs before she leaned into the microphone, "HEYYY (Y/N) COME UP HERE!!" You complied, climbing the stairs to reach the stage, "THIS IS IBUKIS PARTNER!!!!! THEY ARE AWESOME AND IBUKI LOVES THEM VERY MUCH!!!" The audience 'aw'ed at her feelings for you, although you could make out a 'boo' coming from Hiyoko, "shut up, and kiss them already!!" Hiyoko called from the audience, Mahiru scolding her. Ibuki has a big grin on her face as she turned to you, "Can Ibuki kiss you!?," you smiled, letting a soft "yes" leave your lips. Ibuki took no time after your answer to grab you and kiss you.

Peko Pekoyama
You were hanging out with your girlfriend, Peko, at the beach. The two of you were sitting on a beach towel, talking to each other, enjoying each other's company, as the waves rolled onto the shore. The two of you were joking together, Peko letting her rare laugh come to light. "Hey Peko?," you suddenly spoke up, she turned her head to face you, "do you wanna go look for sea shells?" She smiled, nodding, "of course," you two got off the towel and began walking a long the beach, picking up pretty shells ,as you wondered amongst them. She suddenly grabbed your hand, placing a beautiful shell in your palm, she smiled at you, "it reminds me of you, I'd like you to have it." Your cheeks heated up, smiling at the gray haired girl, "that's so sweet Peko... can I kiss you?" The question surprised her, her cheeks turned bright red, "I'd... I'd like that," you leaned close to the girl, your lips touching, a soft kiss being pressed on your lips.

Hiyoko Saonji
It was late in the afternoon, and you were cuddling with your girlfriend. You were sitting on the couch in front of the tv, your favorite movie playing on the screen. Your hands running through your girlfriends hair, her breath lulling you into a sleepy state, peaceful was the best way to describe the moment. Then your girlfriend spoke up, "(y/n)! I want a kiss!" You chuckled at your girlfriends childish behavior, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek, she turned her head to you pouting. "Not like that, stupid. I want you to kiss me on the lips, that is if you want to," you smiled, "of course I want to!" You leaned over to your girlfriend giving her a quick kiss, and turning back to the movie.

Mahiru Koizumi
"Hey! (Y/n) look over here for a second," your girlfriend called over to you from across the room. She held up her camera and smiled, " you look really cute right now! So smile, ok?" You did as she asked, smiling a sweet smile, letting it fall after a few clicks of the camera, "can I go back to my story now?," you asked ,excited to get to the next chapter of your story. "Oh! Of course, sorry, don't mind me," she smiled, shuffling over to you. She sat down across from you, taking a few more pictures before setting her camera down, "say... (y/n) how would you feel if I kissed you right now?" Her question caught your attention, making you look up from your tale, your cheeks flushed as you answered her, "well I'd actually like that.. a lot, would you?" She smiled moving over to you quickly, leaning down to kiss you, her chapstick tasting like strawberry's.

Sonia Nevermind
You found your girlfriend in the library, in deep concentration over a book. You couldn't quite make out what the book was, but the cover was a light pink. "Hey love, what are you reading?,she smiled up at you, closing the book, "it's a book about relationships, it's quite fascinating and I've learned quite a bit from it!" Her eyes lit up as she talk about what she learned, Sonia was a bit socially isolated so you were happy she was learning about that sort of thing. "It also has a few chapters about romantic relationships," she added, blushing a bit as she looked up at you. You tilted your head a bit, amused, "oh? What did it say?" "Well," Sonia began, "actually I learned a bit about kissing, I'd could use some of my techniques on you, if you'd like." Her statement took you aback, and made you a bit flustered at her calm demeanor, "sure.. why don't you show me." She leaned forward, her soft lips puckered, as she planted a kiss on your lips.

Akane Owari
Your girlfriend salivated as she stared at the dish in front of her, "mmmmm, can I start eatin' now??" You smiled and chuckled, "yeah, but I want some." "Fine.. I guess I can get seconds," you two began eating the dish in front of you, the sauce, noodles, and meat all dancing on your tongue. Akane ate quickly, though the spaghetti and meatballs seemed all most infinite,( we all know where this is going) you took another bite of noodles, but to your surprise it was the same noodle Akane was shoveling down her throat. You mumbled as your mouths got closer, " we're about to kiss, you okay with that?" She pulled you forward and kissed you, before going back to eating.

A/n: I'm so sorry about my inconsistency with updates, inspiration comes at strange times for me . I've also been getting back into art-

 I've also been getting back into art-

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I don't really like this one :/

I don't really like this one :/Also

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