Adopting a Kid 1

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A/n: Heyyy guys! I'm not dead! I'm soooooooo sorry about my absence, it's been a rough- gee almost 2 months. I haven't really been the best mentally but I'm better now! And I do realize I haven't posted first kiss 4 yet; how I write those takeeee a lot of motivation that I do not currently possess but don't you worry I'll get to it eventually! But back to your regularly scheduled program-

Kyoko Kirigiri
-Now I think Kyoko would hesitate when you bring up the subject of children
-not that she doesn't want children, she just doesn't want them to be like her and her dad
-when she finally gets over the initial feelings she's like 'okay fine'
-now adoption is a lot
-it takes a lot of time ,paperwork ,and money
-of course Kyoko is very patient and despite what you may believe being a detective means a lot of paperwork
-but back to the whole kid thing
-she'd be a good mom, maybe a bit strict or stern
-but still loving and helpful

Aoi Asahina
-before I say anything
-she'd be great with kids!!
-fun and playful but strict with needed
-she'd 100% want kids too
-she'd probably be the first one to bring it up
-"Hey! Hey! (Y/n)! I want a kid"
-you think she's joking but no. she's dead serious
-she wants cute kids running around all the time
-how fun would that be?!?

Celestia Ludenberg
-nice try.
-she is the only spoiled brat you will need in your life
-no children for her.
-that is not part of her fantasy. Children were never part of that fantasy.
-you can beg ,plead ,and cry, and sure she'll feel bad
-but she sticks with her answer
-and honestly she wouldn't have the patience for kids so it wouldn't work anyway

Sakura Ogami
-and the best mom award goes toooooo
-this gorgeous woman!!!!!
-she would be so kind and patient
-like just the best
- she would be very calm about the whole adoption process
-let's just take a minute appreciate this goddess

-okay we gotta move on before I ramble about how much I love Sakura

Sayaka Maizono
-She totally wants kids!
-but she's just a bit nervous since she is a star
-she's scared that they'll get harassed or she won't have enough time for them
-but despite that she'll do her best to be the best mom she can be
-she'll probably step out of the limelight for a bit until they're settled in

Toko Fukawa
-have we all played (or seen someone play) Ultra despair girls?
-well in that you get to see Toko have firsthand interaction with children( though to be fair they tried to kill her)
-she's not the biggest fan of kids
-but if you found the right one, and gave her the time to bond beforehand (the adoption process takes a lot of time so you will have time to bond beforehand)
-I might've said she would be a bad mom if not for her past trauma
-the last thing she wants to do is have a child turn out like her

A/n: thanks for your continued support!! I honestly did not think this book would blow up nor do I think my writing is good enough for y'all to like it that much. But anyways THANKS!!

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