First kiss 3

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Kaede Akumatsu
Your girlfriend was leading you to her lab, "it's a surprise!," was all she could tell you.As you stepped in the lab, Kaede rushed over to her beloved piano. She sat down, smiled, and began playing. The melody she played you didn't recognize, though you assumed it was probably old. The notes filled your ears,putting you at ease, as you feel in deeper love with the blonde girl. The music came to a slow stop as Kaede turned to you, smiling. "Did you like it? When I first played it I thought of you!" You grinned, rushing over to her. "It was gorgeous, thank you for playing it for me." She smiled brightly, taking your hand. "I knew you'd like it! It's kinda romantic.. kinda makes me wanna kiss you." You were a bit taken aback by her statement and honestly very flustered. "You could if you want too." She smiled and leaned toward you closing the gap with a quick kiss.

Maki Harukawa
Maki, even as your girlfriend, is an extremely closed off person. It makes sense due to her past, and you really don't mind all that much.Every once and a while though Maki would spill everything that was on her mind. Today was one of those days, you were walking her back to her place after she was done training with Kaito and Shuichi. She ranted about the two boys, though it was nothing compared to some of the things she said about Kokichi. You grabbed her hand in a moment of confidence, the act shocked her a bit, pulling her out of her rambling. "What? Why did you do that?," she questioned while grabbing the bow on her uniform, her cheeks heating up. "I just felt like it, do you wanna stop-," maki cut you off by squeezing you hand, "no. But I get to kiss you now." Now you were shocked, "uh, okay. Right now?" Maki continued fiddling with her bow, "is.. is that okay with you?" You smiled at her, "of course it is! Come here," you pulled her toward you, both of your lips touching. When you pulled away you saw that Makis face was a red as her shirt.

Tsumugi Shirogane
"(Y/n)? Could you come here a moment?," your girlfriend called you over from off the couch. You hummed in response, turning off your phone, and sliding off the couch. As you looked over at her sewing at the table you smiled, she was concentrated; her face scrunched, eyes squinted at her work. You gently tapped her shoulder as to not startle her, "you wanted me?" She turned around quickly, "yes," she lifted up what she was working on, "what do you think so far?"

 You gently tapped her shoulder as to not startle her, "you wanted me?" She turned around quickly, "yes," she lifted up what she was working on, "what do you think so far?"

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"Wow Mugi," you mused, "that's gorgeous, it looks exactly like her outfit!" She smiled at you, fiddling with the hem of the sweater, "ah... thank you it actually needs a little bit of fix up around the sleeves... but yeah thank you." "Does it really? It honestly looks great to me but your the professional I guess." Tsumugis smile grew as she put down the cosplay, "you're very sweet (y/n)," she grabbed your hand, "I'd like to kiss you." Your face flushed, "uh.. go ahead!" Tsumugi grinned and stood up quickly giving you a quick peck on the lips before going back to her cosplay.

Angie  Yonaga
You were doing your normal praying routine in the morning with your girlfriend. Regardless if you believed in her God you were always going to support your girlfriend, so you begun your day praying. As you finished you waited for your girlfriend as she mumbled to herself people she wished to be blessed. She took a while to finish and when she did she quickly turned to you, "Nyehehe! Now let's go on with our blessed day! What would you like to do today (y/n)," she smiled, waiting for your response. You thought for a moment, "I'm not really sure... what do you want to do?" She giggled and jumped up, " Angie wants to kiss you! Is that alright?" You flushed, but smiled and nodded; a nervous chuckle escaping your mouth. Angie bent down grabbing your cheeks and kissing your, now pursed, lips. She jumped back up grinning, a light blush dusting her cheeks, "now then! Let's go hang out with our friends!"

Himiko Yumeno
Your girlfriend was currently grasped tightly around your leg, "nyehhh don't gooooo," she whined. You pat her head sighing, "I'm just gonna go get dinner Himi; I won't be gone for longer than 30 minutes." She buried her face in your side as you pulled the blankets around you koala like girlfriend. You once again tried to pry the smaller girl from your leg but it was no use; she wasn't letting go. You lay there for a few minutes still not excepting your fate, after thinking for a moment you thought of something that might work. "Heyyyy Himiko," you purred, grinning, "if I kissed you,would that hold you off until I got back?" She sat up covering her face with her hands as she nodded, "well move your hands then, silly!" She reluctantly moved her small hands from her face to revel that it was as red as her hair. You leaned in close to her face giving a soft kiss on the lips before hoping the bed and running to dinner.

Miu Iruma
" Heyyyyyyyyyyy (y/n)," Kokichi called from across the room, gesturing you over. You reluctantly walked over to where the deceitful boy stood; standing next to him was your girlfriend, Miu Iruma.  "Settle a bet for us, will you? Who'd you rather kiss, Miu orrrrrr a cockroach?," he said while grinning wildly. The question surprised you and apparently Miu because she spit out a quick, "that- that wasn't the bet!" Kokichi hit her in the arm, "Nishishi! I'm just joking- I know which I'd pick though," he added, " the real bet issss: who'd you rather kiss Miu or meee?," he questioned as he wiggled his eyebrows. You deadpanned for a moment, "are you serious? I'm dating Miu, why would I not kiss her?" Kokichi stared you dead in the eyes, "do it then. Prove it. Cmon prove it," he pestered while poking you. You turned to Miu, "can I kiss you?," she turned rather red as she muttered out a soft, "yes." You smiled softly as you grabbed her arm and kissed her gently for a few moments, when you were finished you turned to Kokichi, "you happy, you gremlin?" He stuck out his tough, "ew no! You're boringgggggg."
(I have a newfound love of writing Kokichi)

Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi isn't the best with relationships, the ones she's had in the past didn't have healthy dynamics, you knew this and you helped her through it. Though currently the two of you were baking in the kitchen, cookies, per request of Himiko. The two of you were carefully following the recipe, as to appease the young mages tastebuds. The two of you happily chatted as Kirumi baked meticulously, making sure to make no mistakes, and you... well you were having a bit more fun. Though it can be dangerous to eat raw dough you were doing that as well, " (y/n)! Stop that! You'll get ill," Kirumi said as she saw you sneaking more dough. You pouted, "but it tastes good," you whined as you stared sadly at the cookie dough. "If you must eat something, at least make it healthy," Kirumi added, shaking her head. "Is your kiss healthy?," you blurted out; Kirumi turned to you, head tilted, "I beg your pardon? Is that your way of asking me to kiss you?," you scratched your cheek sheepishly, "yeah... but only if you want to!," you admitted. Kirumi smiled her rare smile as she nodded, "of course I want to," she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

Tenko Chabashira
If anyone were to ask you, you would say that your girlfriend is the best girlfriend in the world. Of course she would say the same about you without being prompted to do so, "(y/n)'s such a great partner! They're so nice! And so attractive!!!," she could talk about you forever. Yet even though you've been in a relationship for quite a while you've never kissed; you couldn't say it bothered you all that much but you did wonder sometimes...  As you watched her mercilessly throw a training dummy to the ground you gathered your courage, "Tenko?," you called to her diverting her attention from the dummy. She plopped down next to you on the floor, "what's up (y/n)- San?," she questioned with a bit of concern lacing her features. "Well," you began, nervously fidgeting with your fingers, "uh we've never kissed before and-," Tenko cut you off; waving her hands in front of her bright red face, "do you want to kiss??" You nodded,a small smile appearing on your face. After processing your response Tenko leaned in and kissed you very gently, when she pulled away she made sounds as a happy animal would.

A/n; Im very sorry for the late update, I've been extremely unmotivated+ school= im suffering

Tysm for being patient- you guys are the best!!!!! 💕

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