Stealing their clothes 2

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Mikan Tsumiki
-just straight up faints
-like you killed her dude
-don't worry she's fine
-you might wanna take off the hoodie tho
-or she'll faint again

Chiaki Nanami
-Chiaki approved
-"nice shirt"
-pretty chill abt it
-blushing a little bit tho
-will definitely tell Hajime about it
-"She was wearing my Mario shirt, she looked good in it tho."

Ibuki Mioda
-wolf whistles 
-high key turned on
-will give you all her clothes now
-I mean all clothes
-pants,dresses,bras, need I go on?

Hiyoko Saionji
-"you look... stupid"
-she's covering her face so you don't see her blushing
-is gonna steal your clothes now
-"checkmate bitch!"

Peko Pekoyama
-that's hers
-you do realize that, right?
-are you cold???
-do you need a blanket
-stop making her worry and give her the darn jacket back >:l

Mahiru Koizumi
- :0
-thinks you look cute
-will buy you matching clothes
-gonna take a picture of you
-maybe multiple
-another one for the relationship scrapbook

Sonia Nevermind
-that's nice and all but take it off
-you're gonna get it dirty
-spin first
-now take it off
-"I can get you other clothes, that ones just very important,love"

Akane Owari
-is used to it
-she gave her siblings her clothes all the time
-you want her shirt?
-sure, it suits you
-"hey,babe! Catch"
-throws her clothes at you
-sometimes without warning

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