Chapter 5

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He killed a huge blocky spider and a big zombie today.

Yeah, a bit sudden but that's what happened.

After the whole skeleton incident, he turned in for the night(it was constantly hailing so it was an assumption)and, after he awoke, he quickly got to work exploring through the caves, gathering materials, breaking a pickaxe, making a new(iron)on and that's when he slaughtered a big, 195cm tall zombie which was slow, groaned a lot and dead.

After the whole skeleton incident, he turned in for the night(it was constantly hailing so it was an assumption)and, after he awoke, he quickly got to work exploring through the caves, gathering materials, breaking a pickaxe, making a new(iron)on ...

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Yeah, his hair was green, his clothes were tattered, his eyes looked grey and no matter what he did he couldn't get rid of that little drool he had going on there.

Like the skeleton form, he had no heartbeat(it felt so weird)but unlike the skeleton form, he actually had a fleshy body, which was good.

Unlike being in the(human)creeper form, he found that he kept the tool he had in hand, the iron sword, and strolled back to his base to wait for the hour to be up to turn back. He wasn't exactly sure how other creatures would interact with him in these forms, he hadn't checked yet, but he wasn't enthusiastic to try that out just yet....

Maybe one day.

Anyway, after that he went back down and found a spider coming out from a dark spot in the cave, actually nearly dropping on his head(he screamed when it did that) as it struck him.

Luckily a quick kick to it's face with 3 sword slashes were enough to take it down and, as it turned into nothing but white particles and black embers.

Now he had a spider form, which he thought was pretty cool.

He'll say one thing about being a two armed/four limbed creature, growing 6 extra limbs felt really, really weird

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He'll say one thing about being a two armed/four limbed creature, growing 6 extra limbs felt really, really weird. It was like growing a tail, but 6 of them and, when you have no idea how to control them, it can get pretty weird. In any case, the form he was in was in total 140cm tall(4ft 7inch), looked like a girl(again), had red eyes, had 4 pairs of strange red gems atop his hair which, when he closed his eyes, acted as spider eyes, night vision and all.

He wasn't totally ready for it yet though considering(refer to the explanation of having spurted 6 extra limbs). An improvement(?)over his last two forms was that, unlike them, it had an actual heartbeat! Yes!

He couldn't use tools(made from his blocky powers)or access his inventory, but he could stick to wall like Spiderman so your arguments are invalid!

This was the only form he had so far where he had stayed as it for more than he had to. He just had too much fun standing on the ceiling and walls! Also, you know, he needed to control his extra limbs and eyes and stuff, so yeah.

Still though, with a bit of exploring after he turned back to his regular self, he dug way deeper, getting more resources like coal, iron and a new material called 'redstone' along the way, or well, redstone dust to be specific when he mined it.

After such exploration led to great reward as he found himself entering a strange mine shaft where, to his surprise, found a resource he had been lacking quite a lot in; wood.

It may have been the floor and board and it may have been old, but Harry didn't care, he was gonna take it all and put it to some use.

Going down it and after slaying a zombie or two(which didn't turn him into his zombie form, suggesting it only happens for the first time he slew something), mining a few blocky rails, oh look a chest!

He quickly ran up to it and opened it, his eyes widening at the sight.

5 Iron Ingots, 3 Bread, 12 Torches, 4 Lapis Lazuli and 3 Gold Ingots.

'Holy moly!' Harry though in shock. 'Real gold!'

Quickly emptying the chest and breaking it in the process(getting him the chest), he quickly moved on, making his way through the tunnels as he saw himself enter a deep ravine lit by long pools of lava, some hardened to obsidian by the contact with water.

How did he know this? Basic knowledge. Did you think he was an idiot or something? When magma, or in this case lava, hardens it can form into obsidian, something the Aztecs used in their weapons to make them super sharp.

Still though, seeing them in blocky 1x1x1 metre cubes was sorta strange, but in the day or 2 he was dealing with blocks and cubes nearly 24/7, so he was used to it.

Anyways, he had actually figured out something new that he didn't mention, and thanks to that he was learning quite a bit from what he could see. It was like an achievement list, accessed like his inventory but he thought of a checklist to open it, which was cool.

Using blocks to make his way upwards, he quickly spotted and mined some ores, iron and coal, before jumping down into the water and landing safely with no harm.

It was there he saw it.

By the lava pools, dangling over the edge, he saw the pristine aqua glint.

He didn't know what i was, but it was valuable and he knew it.

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