The Red Night Goblin

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So the boat turned out to be out of gas, but the gang wasn't quick to throw in the towel that quickly! As for, she guesses it's not a great situation, really. But now, she could just hang out with her friends on an island. Doing whatever they wanted to whenever they wanted to, and her friends had spent it planning on how to get back to New York.

It took longer to finish it than anyone had originally thought. Luckily, they finished around Christmas Eve, so that night the Zoosters decided to have another farewell party and say their goodbyes to the lemurs.

Everyone sat around the end of the table, holding their coconut with the husk cut off the top filled with seawater. The tiki torches were lit and the sign that read Farewell Freaks hung high. To tie off their final goodbyes, Alex began his speech.

"Goodbyes can be bittersweet. It seems like only 306 days ago, we were snatched from our beloved Central Park Zoo and dumped here in...rustic Madagascar. But now that we're leaving, seeing you all here reminds us just how many friends we've made."

Lone, slow clapping was heard, Alex's smile fell and everyone turned their attention to the only attendee; Mort.

The mouse lemur had gulped cups of seawater and was now intoxicated by the drinks.

"WHOO-HOO!!!" Mort cheered for the five mammals. "That's the greatest speech I've ever..."

Mort passes out on the table and all of the coconuts fall.

"Aww!" Marty gushed. "Looks like the kid can't hold his seawater!"

"Maybe it's the seawater in general," Ayana remarked.

"Well, at least he showed up." Gloria pointed out.

"I don't get it. It's not like Julien would miss a party." Marty mentioned.

King Julien XIII. The literal party animal not showing up to a party? Something wasn't right. Was he sick- no, no that can't be it. He'd still show up. Something's gotta is going on.

"Or maybe for some people, saying goodbye is really hard." Melman's voice broke, and he let out a sniffle as Gloria goes to comfort him.

Then the wind began to pick up, making all of the animals look to the sky.

"Yeah, well, send him a postcard 'cause the wind's right on schedule! All right! Let's do this!" Alex exclaimed.

Everyone started a campfire to give the hot air balloon its air.

"Can I have your attention?" Marty announced. "The red-eye to New York is about to board!"

Gloria let out a victorious woo-hoo."We're goin' home for Christmas!" The Zoosters cheered as they rushed into the basket.

"Sandbags!" Alex called.

"Check!" Gloria replied, dropping the bags.


"Check!" Melman responded, unhooking the ropes.


"Check!" Marty replied while eating a banana.

"It's working!" Alex grinned.

"Oh, we did it!" Gloria shouted.

"It may not be pretty, but we headed to the city!" Marty chanted as the others except Ayana chorused with cheers.

"Candied yams from Sylvia's - that's what I want for Christmas!" Marty told the others, casually lounging in a corner of the balloon basket.

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