New Plan

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Alex gasped. "I shot down Santa!"

"Oh, you gonna be on the Naughty List for sure now!" Marty remarked before he was- not so gently- nudged in the shoulder by Ayana.

"He didn't know." Ayana pointed out. Alex sent her a thankful smile.

"Is it safe?" Julien asked Santa, who was still hanging from the low branch.

"Is what safe?"

"Are there more of you? How many? Tell me! Are you a robot? Maybe you have an army hidden inside of you!" The ring-tail crawled to his belly and began shaking it. "Talk to me, robot army! I AM TALKING TO YOU!!"

Santa began laughing. "That tickles." His laughter caused him to break the branch and fall on his back as Julien lands on his stomach.

King Julien rebounded on Santa's belly after he fell. "Look, everybody! It's shaped like a bowl full of jelly!" Julien laughed.

Maurice immediately joined him. "Hey, this is fun!" 

Gloria huffed, the other large animals following behind her as she drowned at the lemur. "Stop it, Julien! That's Santa Claus! No wonder he throws coal at you."

Julien immediately stopped jumping and rose a brow. "Santa who?"

Santa was still on his back, laughing.

"Santa, you OK? I can't believe I'm talking to Santa Claus!" Marty says excitedly, making Gloria and Melman smile.

"I know," Melman replied.

"Can't believe he's actually real," Ayana commented, crossing her arms.

"Uh-uh. I know we ain't having this argument again!" Marty whirled around to face the leopard on his hind feet.

"What is there to argue?" Ayana countered. "It's not like Christmas is a regular holiday in Africa."

"Yeah, but Santa Clause is literally in front of your face! Show some love for him, girl!" 

"Wait. Who's Santa?"

Everyone's eyes went wide.

"What do you mean, 'Who's Santa?'?" Gloria asked. "If you're not Santa, who are you?"

"My name is..." Santa starts but his face fell, and he takes off his hat. "I can't remember."

Once the hat was off, a huge red bump on Santa's head came into view and the gang flinched.

"Look, he's got another hat on." Julien chuckled, indicating the large bump.

Gloria sits beside the human, observing the bump."He must have hit his head in the crash. Maybe he's got amnesia."

"Oh, this is bad. This is... This is bad!" Alex turns around and panics like anyone would do if they've basically ruined Christmas. "I've ruined Christmas for everybody. I've ruined Christmas for, like, the whole world! Unless..." Alex whirled around.

"Unless?" Gloria asks, perking up along with everyone else.

"Team huddle." The large animals whisked over, their heads huddling close to each other in a circle formation. "This could work out great for everybody."

"Santa's head wound?" Melman questioned.

"No, not his head wound. Here's the plan: we find the sleigh, help Santa deliver the toys. Then, on the way home, he drops us off in New York! It's perfect! What do you guys think?"

Everyone paralleled their agreements promptly.

"I'm in!"


"I'm down."

"Let's go find that sleigh."


A/N: How would y'all feel if you'd shot down Santa Claus?

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