Christmas Gifts

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Presents crowded every inch of the plane. A lonely king Julien sat on the wooden bike Santa had made, singing a holly Julianuary song.

"On the 88th day of Julianuary
My true love sent to me
A great, big present for me!"

"Oh, Amelia. Did you ever feel like you're just wasting away?"

The skeleton all slumped over the floor of the plane tilted its head as if she was responding.

"This is the worst Julianuary ever." Julien proclaimed while opening a present.

He throws the present away and mopes right before a voice spoke up.

"Um...King Julien?"

The lemur looks over to see Santa knocking on the open door of the plane, a sincere look on his face.

"Hello. Haven't you heard of knocking? I could have been naked in here."

Santa must've known it was silly, otherwise, he would have apologized for intruding. Besides, he was an animal that usually never wears clothes.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your Julianuary."

"I don't understand. I have all the presents. Why do I feel so empty inside?"

"I don't know. But back there, when we were all giving presents to each other, it was pretty good. Hey! Why don't you give one to your girlfriend Amelia over there? I bet she'd like it." Santa hands Julien a wooden toy plane.

"No, she's not my girlfriend. I don't want to. OK, fine, I'll do it! Keep your chubby hands off." Julian warned the fat man.

King Julien places the toy plane in the skeleton's hand. "Here, Amelia. Merry Julianuary." The lemur didn't see the big deal until he looked back at Santa and then Amelia.

He gasps, auburn eyes wide.

"Ah! Look at the smile on Amelia!"

A grin had pulled over her lipless and lifeless face.

"Whoo! Making her feel good makes me feel good. Kind of warm and tingly on the inside. Like pinworms!" Julian rang the bell on his bike and dashed underneath Santa. "Come, fat man! We must share with the world what I have discovered!"

The King hurried off until he fell from the plane.


The gang finished delivering the presents all over Greenland, and they seemed to have ended their adventure as "Santa's Hairy Helpers". Now, they were climbing up the last chimney.

Whoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo! We did it.

"Every single present delivered and accounted for. Goodbye, empty bags. Hello, new..." Abruptly, he moans loudly. "No! There's still a few left in this one!"

Alex, who was sprawled across the snowy rooftop, abruptly spring up. "No. No! No more! I can't take it." He snatches the bag away, backing up slowly. "I'll throw it in the river. It'll be like we never saw them."

Thank goodness Gloria was there, otherwise, nobody would see that bag again.

"Oh, give me that." The female hippo huffed, taking the bag away before she glanced inside. She brings out one present, her brown eyes widened and she smirks. "Wait, they're...they're for us."





"Get out of here."

"Alex! Ayana! And me!"

Marty opened his gift first and immediately brightened. "No way! Candied yams from Sylvia's!" He exclaimed holding the takeout box. He flips the top. "And they're still hot! They're still hot."

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