Saving Christmas, Ruining Julianuary

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Julien lit a candle made from the inside of a coconut that Santa held.

"Fat man, behold the beauty of a traditional Julianuary carol," Julien before he plays a note on a harmonica and points a stick to the male lemurs to signal them.

"I like to..."

"Very nice," Julien replied. He points his stick to the females.

"You like to..."

"All together." Julien raises the stick.

"We like to...Move it! I like to move it, move it... "

The upbeat rhythm of dance music began. Santa smiled and ripped his jacket, belt, and pants off and threw them aside so he could dance with the lemurs.

The gang walks up to the party just as Santa's pants plopped onto Gloria's face and his belt lands on Melman's.

"Santa?" Marty asks in shock.

"He's nothing like the stories y'all told back at the Zoo." Ayana snickered as the human danced to the beat, moving his hips side to side in joy.

"I'm physically fit, physically fit. Physically, physically Physically fit...Incoming!" Santa yelled, diving into the crowd of lemurs.

"All righty, Santa. Time to go, big buddy."

The gang walked up to the jolly fat man and began dragging him away.

"I don't want to go!" Santa shouted. "I just want to shake my booty! Ha-ha!"

With sudden strength, the older man spun the animals around in multiple circles while they kept hold of him.

After letting go, Santa joined the lemurs' conga line while, Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, and Ayana tried to convince the human to go with them.

"Santa, buddy. You've got to stop dancing." Alex tried.

"Things we'll be pretty easier if you do," Ayana added.

"Santa!" Gloria called.

The said man bounced the gang back with his butt, causing them to fall on each other on the ground.

"Ho, ho, ho! I'll never go!" Santa declared, glancing back as he grinned victoriously.

The Zoosters went back to the sleigh, and they sat inside of it with dejected looks on their faces. Their plan to get Santa to go with them had failed.

"What are we going to do now?" Gloria asked.

"It's not Christmas Eve for much longer. So either we go without Santa, or the world goes without Christmas." Alex told his friends, handing out red hats.

"That's right! You made this mess. Now, we got to clean it up." Marty retorted as everyone puts on their hats. "Yo, Skipper! Sparkle time!"

The penguins had put on the reindeer harnesses and sprinkled the dust on themselves. Now, they were floating in the air, ready to take off.

"All right, boys. Tighten your harnesses and think happy thoughts."

The penguins closed their eyes. Private thought about his future. The future where he and Cupid had gotten married and he was carrying the doe bridal style as they entered the hotel in Las Vegas.

"Whoo!" Cupid shouted jovially.

"Viva Las Vegas!" The youngest penguin cried with joy.

Private opened his eyes and he suddenly dashed into to air, leading the sleigh in his flight. Everyone screamed from the speed and hanged onto the straps that fastened the penguins up. Before they knew it, they were dropping a trail of candy canes just before they zipped through the trees of the jungle and they were whirling through the air.

So with the moon full, they were off to save Christmas.

Meanwhile, Julien explained the meaning of Julianuary.

"And everyone wept tears of joy for the miracle that was Baby Julien." Julie's glances upward to Santa, who was very interested in the story he told. "You see, fat man, Julianuary is about the joy of giving. To me! Now, bring me the presents!"

The ring-tail ran to his throne with a decoration of large leaves and flowers that spelled out HAPPY JULIANUARY on them. His advisor, Maurice stood next to him as every lemur lined up with a gift in hand while Santa stood in the middle of the line. The first lemur gives King Julien his present.

"Merry Julianuary." He said.

"Oh! You remembered! Next one, please. Move it along." Julien threw the present away and the lemur slumped away sadly.

"Thank you, on behalf of His Majesty, and merry Julianuary," Maurice told the lemur.

While in line, Santa glances around and saw a tree branch. He takes it to make something, which made the lemurs look at him. They gazed in awe as they saw he made the tree branch into a wooden toy train.

"How did you do that?" A lemur asked.

"Beats me," Santa answered.

"Could you make one for me?" Mort asked.

The jolly man the mouse lemur the toy train. "Merry Julianuary." He tells him.

"I want one."

"Me, too."

"Next," Maurice called out.

King Julien looks to see the line had disappeared."Where's my presents? What's going on over there?" He asks, completely stunned.

His subjects rose their hands as Santa dropped the wooden toys he made.

"Merry Julianuary!" Santa shouted happily, tossing a wooden plane.

"Merry Julianuary." A female lemur repeated, passing out a toy boat.

"No." King Julien muttered.

The ring-tail and aye-aye gazed around just when a lemur drops from a tree to hand Maurice a robot toy. "Merry Julianuary!" She greeted before heads back up the tree.

"No." Julien echoed, his expression filling with dread.

"Merry Julianuary." A lemur says, passing by the two lemurs while riding a wooden bike. After that, Julien couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh, no, no, no! Stop!"

The lemurs and Santa, who was about to give out a wooden piano stop in their tracks and turned their attention to the king.

"What's so special about Julianuary, if everyone gets to have something?" He asked, shaking a random lemur's head as he stared him dead in the eyes. Then he turns his auburn orbs to Santa and frowned.

"You!" He stomps up the wooden piano and yanked Santa by his beard. "I took you in as my guest, and now you've ruined Julianuary!"

"From this moment forth, all your presents are my presents!" Julien commanded, standing on top of the fat man's bump.

"Aww!" The lemurs chorused, hanging their heads low.

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