Santa's Hairy Helpers

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The sleigh soared high in the cold air.

Marty smiled at the GPS, recognizing the location, and listening to its subtle beeping.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to arrive at our first destination." The zebra announced. "Canada is straight ahead."

"OK, boys, let's take her down." Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private fly a little lower to get closer to the buildings. "Flaps up. Beaks down."

All of the monochromatic animals tilted their heads down.

"Stay on target. Stay on target!"

Before anyone could prepare, the sleigh hit across the side of the rood hard, sending the sleigh drifting through the air. The world was spinning - no - they were spinning. They skidded across the ground, taking out a group of snow people. The next thing that they were aware of, a large tree was flying towards them. Then, a pile of snow collapsed on them.

Everyone popped their heads out of the snow, and Gloria spat out the head of a snowman.

"What kind of landing was that?" Gloria huffed.

"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing." Skipper pointed out. All of the penguins, high-oned each other in celebration.

"Okay, how about we ignore these guys and go help, Melman." Ayana jerked her thumb to the rooftop where Melman currently resided. The giraffe struggled to get on his hooves on the pitch of the roof.

Everyone dusted the snow out of the sleigh and Marty got a present from one of the sacks and tossed it to the giraffe.

"What are you doing?" Ayana asked.

"Making sure that this kid gets their present. Santa Clause style!" The zebra exclaimed, walking closer to the house, leaving hoof tracks behind him.

The other Zoosters followed, raising their brows as they looked up at the giraffe. Not that they questioned the giraffe's abilities to do a task. Just that he wasn't the one they would look to first to do it.

"This is stupid, Marty. Can't we just use the front door?"

"Come on! How hard can it be? Melman, you're up!"

The lanky giraffe gazed down the dark chimney with the present on his back.

"But I'm claustrophobic." Melman shivered.

It didn't seem like a good idea, especially since they weren't Santa Claus and didn't have his magical powers. Besides, the chimney appeared to be a dark abyss from his point of view. Who wouldn't be afraid? His friends, that's who.

Marty gave him an unconvinced look. "Yeah? Well, now you could be Santa Claustrophobic. Now dive, fool! Dive! Dive! Dive!"

"Easy, easy..." Melman screamed, slipping into the chimney and dropping the present. "Guys? I'm stuck!"

The other animals gasped. Ayana felt exactly like Melman any other moment of the day- panicking beyond the limit. It overwhelmed her so much, she didn't move an inch while her friends desperately tried to calm him down or save the giraffe.

"Hang in there, Melman! I'm coming!" Alex assured, trying to open the door while holding the dropped gift.

Gloria raced to the chimney, swerving across the side of the house to get to him.

"Melman, I'm right here!"

"I'm burning!"

"You're not burning!"

Ayana furrowed her brow in concentration, rolled her shoulders, and smashed straight through the window as Melman let out his last scream for help. The shards came crashing down beside her, but she paid no mind to them. Her head almost whirled back when Marty and Alex had burst through the door.

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