Merry Christmas

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The lemurs celebrated Julianuary and Christmas with many superb decorations. A few built a large tree decorated with the wide leaves from trees and bushes and the many fruits that grew on the wonderful island. In other words: marvelous.

The tree stood tall behind a gateway where the fruit had been strung on a vine, which was connected by sticks in the ground. Before that were lemurs making a fruit man; a snowman made of fruit. It had a banana smiley face and pink flowers for eyes.

As the red lemur standing on three other lemurs placed the nose of the fruit man, King Julien grabbed a coconut from a pile.

"This'll get me back on the naughty list," Julien smirked before tossing it and declaring:

"Coconut ball fight!"

He hurls the coconut into the red lemur, who tumbles down.

Alex finished eating his bananas as the penguins skates by them. After taking their last bites, the lion puts the yellow peels on his paws and stood up.

"All right, let's give these babies a spin," Alex says, balancing.

"I can't stop! I can't stop!" Melman exclaimed, slipping past them as he spun wildly on his hooves. Then, he falls over the fruitman.

"Rockefeller Center ain't got nothin' on this!" Gloria declared, spinning Marty in an ice skating move called the Death Spiral.

"Ally." Ayana leaned on one of the sticks, not even hiding that she was waiting, and fired a lazy grin at the lion skating/balancing his way near her. "How'd you feel about the kiss?"

"It was amazing." Alex blurted out, nostalgia and marvel dancing at the purr of a voice.

"Awesome." Ayana kept cool with her words, but she could feel how red her face was getting. Alex was just so darn pretty.

"So… what does that make us now?" Alex asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at Ayana. He blushed as the leopard chuckled and shook her head.

"I really have to spell everything for you?" Ayana snarks, rubbing his silky mane.

"Yes. But I also just kind of want to hear you say it out loud." The lion grins, resting his arms on either of Ayana's shoulders as he looked into her eyes.

Ayana rolled her eyes and smiled. "Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Alex's heart skipped a beat, and he smiled at the leopard, their faces close together. "I thought you'd never ask."

They were about to lean in...

"Oh! I just remembered to give you this-"

Alex found himself suddenly snatched up in a strong anaconda arm embrace, and then Ayana pressed a quick kiss to his muzzle. "Mwah."


Alex was smooth too.

After a few dazed moments, he held a pretty plant, trying to resemble a mistletoe and when Ayana notices, she raises a brow.

"Really?" She snarks, reaching up to caress Alex's face.

"Best I could do in a few minutes." Alex smiles coyly, flashing his canines for a moment.

Ayana laughs lightly as Alex wraps his huge paw around her waist and he pulls her in close. She place her tiny paws on the sides of his muzzle, bringing it onto hers. The two stared at each other with wide smiles for a moment, and their lips met for the first tender kisses of many.

What felt like a lifetime only lasted five seconds, but it was the longest five seconds of either mammal's lives.

Alex eased out of it and just kept smiling, obviously wanting to see Ayana's face and the fur that seemed to stick out in some places. Perfect.

It really was the best Christmas ever. Right here.

The new couple watched as their friends joined the new couple while "snow" fell on them.

"Well, we may not have gotten home for Christmas, but we got snow!" Marty proclaimed, sticking his tongues out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Alex warned, looking up.

Turns out, the "snow" was the dandruff of lemurs scratching their unwashed fur to release dandruff while they sat on trees from above.

Marty screamed.

"It's not snow! It's not snow!" Marty panicked, making the others laugh warmly.

"See, Marty? It's not what you get. It's what you give." Alex said as a matter of fact. Before Ayana could roll her eyes, a certain ring-tail and his shouting beats her to it.

"Give it a rest!"

Julien hurls another coconut, striking Alex's head. The lion plopped to the ground, and Julien, Maurice and Mort rushed near him.

"I'm so naughty." Julien snickered, another in his hands. "Mort, you're next!"

The ring-tail and aye-aye chase after the mouse lemur while Alex's friends hurry over to the stirring lion. Ayana helped him up sit up as he his head.

Melman was the first to ask. "Alex, you OK?" He immediately suppressed his laughter along with the others; not too well though.

"Who's Alex?" Alex asked, revealing the bump on his head.

Everyone immediately groaned and thing their heads low. They were about to experience the nightmare they went through with Santa again, but another coconut gets whirled into Alex's head and he flopped back onto the ground.

The three Zoosters turned their head to see Ayana whisking the make-shift dirt off her hands.

Another groan was heard.

"What the heck, Yani?" Alex remarked, rubbing the bump on his head.

Ayana kneeled down kiss the red spot where his bump was. "Just getting rid of a mistake." She snickered.

The pair got up on their feet and we're met with the relieved looks of their friends.

Now that Alex got his memory back, they can finally enjoy their Christmas and think of another way to get back to New York.

"Merry Christmas and happy Julianuary, everybody!" Mort told the dear readers/watchers before King Julien hurls a coconut into the back of his head.


A/N: Merry Christmas and happy Julianuary! One more chapter to go!

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