Chapter 9: The Griever Attack

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was the next day. Thomas was now a runner, and he was going into the maze with Minho today. I had gotten my wrist checked on after the little incident with Alby yesterday. I told Teresa more about my dreams, or, my memories, I guess.

She said she had some of the same ones. With just us two. Right now, me and her were in the med-jack hut, sitting beside Alby's bed, keeping watch. Everyone was hesitant to let me watch him after what happened yesterday, especially Newt. But, I told them I'd be fine.

So, after a little while of convincing, they finally gave in and let me watch over him with Teresa. We were talking about random things, giggling like we did on the tower yesterday, as well.

All of a sudden, Alby woke up, gasping before panting. Teresa and I both stood up, looking at him in concern. We got him to sit up over the edge of the bed. I told Teresa to go and get the guys and she agreed before leaving the hut, leaving me alone with Alby.

"Hey," I greeted softly, "Alby." I tried getting his attention.

He looked towards me, his eyes softening a little.

"I saw you." He said quietly.

I saw everyone come in, but I ignored them. "W-what?" I stuttered.

"You," he paused, "You were always their favorite, you and Thomas." He said, "Why? Why are you here?" I stood up, backing away a little. Newt walked towards me, bringing me into his arms, while I gripped his sweater, not wanting to let go.

But unfortunately, I had to, because there was shouting going on outside. We all ran out, seeing people running to the maze doors. Winston started running past us, till Thomas stopped him, "Winston, what's happening?" He asked.

"It's the doors," he said, "They aren't closing." He said in a hurry before running off to help other gladers while we stood there, frozen in shock. How could the doors not be closing? Then, there was a loud noise on the left of us. We jumped and looked left, seeing the doors open there, then the Western and Eastern doors opened, as well.

Something's gonna happen.

Something bad.

I then saw some gladers running away from one of the entrances, screaming. "What the hell." I mumbled, which caught Thomas' attention. He followed my gaze, seeing the gladers, looking like they were running for their lives.

We ran up to see what was happening, till we heard shrieks from the maze. I looked in, seeing a big figure, making it's way towards us. Towards the glade. I looked closer, till I realized what it was.

It was a griever.

"Alright, everybody hide!" I yelled out. We all turned and ran away from the entrance we were at. I heard the grievers coming from all four entrances. While we were running, I felt someone slip their hand into mine and squeeze it. I didn't even have to look, I already knew it was Newt.

We kept running, till we met up with Alby, Clint, and Jeff. The two boys were holding Alby up. We started running again. We ran into the council hut and hid in there, keeping quiet. We heard the grievers outside of the hut, looking for us. Suddenly, I heard a cry for help, making me look down to see a boy screaming for us to help him. Thomas ran to him quietly, but he got pulled out before Thomas could get to him.

Newt held me close to him, his arms tightening around me. We were both panting, and sweating a little bit. I rested my head on his chest, but I was still tense. I couldn't relax. And he knew it too, which is probably why he pulled me more into his chest and started stroking my hair, kissing my head a couple times. We thought we were fine, until a grievers claw had grabbed Chuck by the leg, pulling him out. But luckily, Thomas and I were quick enough to grab his arms.

"Chuck! Don't let go!" I yelled.

"Yeah, no shit!" He yelled back. Usually I would tell him not to talk like that, but in a situation like this, I didn't care.

We kept pulling him by his arms, while the griever pulled him by his leg. The griever was winning. Chuck's arms were almost slipping from our grasp, but suddenly, Alby started hitting the grievers claw with something in his hands, making it drop Chuck.

We all dropped to the young boy, checking if he was okay, "Chuck, are you okay?" I asked him, heavily breathing.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine," he nodded at me before looking Alby, still panting, "Thanks, Alby."

Alby nodded at him, with a determined look on his face. We were all catching our breath again, till I noticed something near Alby. It was another grievers claw.

"Alby! Watch out!" I shouted at him. He was too late to look behind him, because the griever got ahold of his leg. But before he could get pulled out, I grabbed onto his arms like I did with Chuck.

"Alby!" I cried.

"Y/n, get them out of here!" That was the last thing he said to me, before he was taken out of my grip.

"No!" I cried out, trying to reach for his arms again, but it was too late. I ran out of the hut, searching for Alby. But, I knew he wasn't there.

"Y/n!" I heard Teresa and Newt call out to me, but I ignored them. This was my fault. I ran to the maze doors, realizing the grievers were gone.

For now, at least.

When we got outside, we all looked at the glade. Most of it was on fire. The lookout tower was on fire as well. We were all heavily breathing. What is going on right now?

"Where is everybody?" Newt asked, looking around. I saw three figures coming our way, one of them had an angry look laying on his face. I looked more closely to see it was my brother.

"Gally." Thomas breathed out when he saw him. But before he could do anything, Gally's fist make contact with Thomas' face, making him fall backwards. He went to go at him again, but Frypan and Winston held Gally back, while Minho and Newt helped Thomas up.

"This is all you, Thomas!" Gally shouted, still trying to get out of Winston and Fry's grip, "Look around."

I know he didn't tell me to, but I did. I looked around the glade, seeing it on fire, and less gladers than there was before.

"It's not Thomas' fault!" Winston exclaimed, keeping Gally back from the said boy.

"You heard what Alby said!" My brother continued shouting, "He's one of them!"

"One of who?" Frypan asked.

"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has!"

I thought about what Gally said. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Thomas worked with them. But, I'm sure I did too. I looked behind me, seeing Chuck with a stinger that belonged to a griever. I walked towards him, gently taking it out of his hands. I studied it.

Maybe I could find out who I am. Why I'm here. I could get answers.

"Y/n?" Chuck said, making me look at him before looking back down at the stinger.

"I need to remember," I said to him. I didn't even notice, but I had caught Teresa and Newt's attention, "I need answers."

"Y/n." Newt said slowly. I lifted the stinger then stabbed it into my leg, "No! Y/n!" I heard Newt exclaim. I felt several pairs of hands on me, trying to wake me up, but it was no use. The last thing I saw was Newt's face, tears laying on his cheeks, till my vision blurred out.

And all I could see was darkness.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝗇𝖾𝗐𝗍Where stories live. Discover now