you will make it

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jazzmines pov

Cancer? ... NO!! this can not be happening, i just gave birth to 2 boys and now i have cancer? "We need to have surgery done as soon a possible. I have scheduled and appointment for tomorrow" the doctor gets up and leaves the room. I turn and niall is starring at me already. "Jazz.." he begins but i cut him off by hugging him.  I don't cry so he wont get worried. "babe" he pulls away and looks at me. "don't say anything, please" he nods and holds me 

The news got around fast, even the media knows now which is pretty crazy. They always tend to know what is happening. We had Lot of visitors and one of them happened to be Nialls mum. "Can i talk to you in private?" she asks. "if your going to insult me, save it for after, I'm not in the mood to upset anyone" she shakes her head. "no i wont insult you" she grabs my attention so i let her talk. "I know through out these years i have been a bad person to you, and i want to apologies for that" she begins. "The reason for my attitude was because i felt like you wear taking my baby" tears begin steaming down her face. "Maura, no, I would never take Niall from you, I'm not stopping him from seeing you" i rub her arm to calm her down. "you are the grandmother of my kids and i wont let that change" i assure her. "you have a heart Jazzmine, I don't know how you would ever forgive someone like me" she whispers. "its because you are family and family means love and forgiveness"  i respond. "My Nialler did good in choosing you, i now know why he was crazy about you, its because you have a heart, a beautiful one, you will be a wonderful mother and wife. I can also assure you, that you ll make it through the surgery" she says. I smile at her kind words and hug her. "If i don't make it, i want you to take care of niall and my kids, make sure niall makes right decisions" i say. "hey, you will make it" she pecks my temple.

"Seems like you and my mum hit it off pretty good" Niall chuckles. "yeah, she apologized for her rude attitude towards me" i say. "did you forgive her?" i hear the curiosity in his voice. "yes you goofball" he leans in and steals kisses. "picture!" harry says. They all huddle up next to me on the hospital as the one of the nurse takes multiple pictures. We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about our childhood. "remember when Jazzmine got chased by the goat" zayn says laughing. "that was liams fault for letting it lose" i say. "no it wasn't! it was Louis" the go on arguing about who let the goat lose. I watch as each of them laugh and talk. I hear one of the babies crying making Niall jump to his feet. He walks over and picks up mason. "shs don't cry baby, I'm hear" i hear niall whisper. The lads go back talking about prom. I just laugh and remember those silly days. 


Nialls pov

i pace around the room and wait for jazzmine to come out the bathroom. They made her change into a different gown to prepare for the surgery. She walks out and slips her fluffy slippers on. "my back hurts she whispers. We are only a few minutes away until the surgery begins. "here let me help' i out the wheel chair and help her sit. I adjust her pillows for her back  and the head rest. "you OK?" she nods and hold my hand. 

I am scared, scared that my jazzmine wont make it. "don't be scared" she says. Its as if she could read my mind. "I'm not" i lie. "i cant tell you are lien" she chuckles. "I'm just scared" i say. "don't be, ill make it" she assures me. "well before you go, i have a confession to make" i say. "OK go ahead" i pull out a small red box and hand it to her. "Niall" she gasp as she opens it. "happy anniversary" i grin. "shit babe, i didn't get you anything" she slaps her for head. "you gave me mason and Mathew, a gift i will cherish forever" she smiles and pecks my lips. I take off her old wedding ring and slip the new one. "I changed mine so we can match" she grins. "this is beautiful Niall" she examines the ring. "Nothing will ever be as beautiful as you Jazz" i say. "How cheeky" she pinches my cheeks. "well that's me" she giggles and holds my hand. 

" i want you to know that i love you, Yeah i can say i love you but I'm not saying it just to say it, I'm saying it because i feel it. I feel the crazy love i have for you. I feel it all and its beautiful. You have given me so much jazzmine. I cheated on you a couple times and i will keep saying I'm sorry. But you?, not once have you cheated on me. I know a lot of guys would've wanted you, you would've of went and cheated on me but you didn't. You stayed with me through thick and thin. I am lucky to be in love with my best friend. Thank you Jazzmine for giving me wonderful children and for giving me your heart and love. I love you Jazzmine Horan. I  love you to a billion pieces. I love you, i love you, i love you and i Love you" 

i wipe her tears away with my sleeve. "Oh Niall, My nialler" she begins. "NIall, i love you more. Thank you for giving me lots of love. You would've left me but you came back because you loved me.  Babe, the past is the past. We all make mistakes but we cant rewrite it. We just have to forget it. I forgive for you for the damages you made me go through, i don't care about anything you did back then because its the past and i love you. Thank you for making me your wonderful wife, i am honored" she giggles. "I'm yours niall, only yours. Don't you ever think i will leave you, because i wont. I have everything I've ever wanted with you. You and Mathew and mason and Diana are the only people i need in my life. "i love you too chunks Nialler. " she cups my face and gives me a warm kiss. 

"excuse me" the nurse says knocking on the door. She is here to pick Jazzmine up and take her. "don't worry, ill make it, Ill see you after the surgery" Jazz says. "ill be here waiting" i give her one last kiss and  hug. "take care of dad OK? i will see you when I'm out" jazzmine tells Diana. they hug each other for a while. I watch as the nurse pushes her on the wheel chair. I have this nasty feeling in my stomach but i shake it off.

I spend the time feeding the babies or playing with Diana. We are currently eating meet ball subs outside Jazzmines room. All the sudden, nurses rush into the surgery room. "what is going on?" i get up . "sir calm down" one of the nurses say. "dad whats going on?" Diana asks. "just sit here OK? Mum is going to be alright. I know she Will"






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