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Nialls pov

I am starving. I try to get my chains off but I fail. Who on earth would kidnapp me and why? The door quickly opens and I see Juli. "Hey buttercup" She pulls out the stuffed towel that was currently in my mouth. "Why are you doing this to me?!" I yell. "Niall, when I kidnapped your wife, things didn't go right. I got thrown In jail and my popularity went down the drain" she says. "yeah so?" I look at her. "I want it all back and the only way, is to have you all to myself" she says. "ok well that's not going to work, now let me go" I say. "Niall I'm not stupid, if I'll let you go, you'll tell the whole world and I'll get arrested." she says. "I won't say a word, I promise I'm not lying" I say. "yeah ok and you also said you loved me but you didn't" she say and I stay quiet. "exactly" she gets up and walks to me. She let my chains go and tie everything off.

"Don't try escaping, you won't succeed" she says walking out the door. I run to the door but they lock it down. I run to the window but it's blocked. I bang on it and make a small crack. Sadly my body won't fit through it. I realize we are in the woods. I walk to the bed and sit dow. I need to get out of here.

Jazzmines pov

I can't stop crying, I want to go look for him but I can't, they won't let me. Juli left a couple hours ago and so did Zayn. I stare out the window as each tear slips down. "Look" Harry says. I look at the tv and sure enough, the news about Niall is everywhere. They show images of his car that has the doors open.

"The famous Niall Horan from One Direction, has been kidnapped . His car was found on the rode vacant. Search party found some tracks but soon lost them. We hope they find him and get him back to his family."

My poor baby, hehasn'teven eaten. He must be really starving to death. I get up and walk to my room slamming the door behind. Just as I get my family back, everything goes wrong. I need Niall more than anything. Even though we fight and he cheated on me, that doesn't matter anymore. He was always there to care for me. He made me happy and I could never regret It. Usually people think of Niall differently. But he isn't. Niall has one strong personality that I wouldn't want to change. Having his company around is just the best feeling. I need him now.

~next day~

Nialls pov

All I've eaten is an apple and some crackers with water. You have no idea how hard it is for me not to eat. I pace around the room thinking of a way to escape but I have nothing. Are they looking for me ? I walk over to the cabinets and it's full of blank paper, pens and pencils. I began writing letters to Jazzmine, the lads, my mum and Diana. I grab another paper and chew it off. This won't help but I need something in my stomach.

I finish writing and fold all the papers up. I remember the last time i wrote a letter was to Jazzmine,. I really never gave it to her because I lost it. My stomach starts to grumble even louder. I walk up to the door an bang on it.... no answer. I want to get out now.!!!! suddenly the door opens. "heres your food" i look up and see a young girl holding a tray. "can you please help me out?" i plead. "im sorry but i cant" she quickly shuts the door leaving me traped again. I look at the tray and it only has peanut butter crackers, bottle of water and a peanut butter sandwhich. They act as if they dont know what i eat. This wont fill me up. I stare at the tray but refuse to eat it, what if they poisoned it?? I sit on the bed, i just want to get out. Have they sent search parties for me? well duh, i have been missig for a day. What if i never get to see diana or Jazzmine or the baby? I began to panick even more. I bang on the door and the walls over and over. I am so frustrated and overwhelmed, I don't think I'll make it..

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