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Nialls pov

The while flight, I fell asleep. I was tired and exhausted. When we got to the hotel they said we had an hour of sleep and then we had rehearsals. "I'll share a room with Niall!" Zayn says. "I'll sleep with you too!" Liam says. "I guess that leaves Louis and I" Harry says. "I'll sleep alone and Zayn you can sleep with Niall" Liam instructs. "What if I want to sleep with you?" Zayn asks. "No you kick a lot" Liam says. "Whatever pussy" Zayn throws his luggage on the floor and looks for his toothbrush. "I'm going to FaceTime my wife so please keep it down" I tell them. "we wanna see her too" Liam says.

"Hey babe!" I smile trough the camera. "Yeah hey babe!" Liam says. I slap him and he pushes me. "Hey baby and Liam" Jazzmine says smiling . "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Woke up with morning sickness but I'm all good now" she says. "How's Diana?" I ask her. "She's currently getting tutored" Jazzmine says. "What about you guys?" She asks. "We just arrived to our hotel" I say. "Yeah Zayn and I decided to care for your boy here" Liam says Patting my back. "for the millionth time, I'm a Man" I huff. "Aww my baby is growing up" Jazzmine teases. Liam burst out laughing. "ok ok enough" I say. "Ok baby, I gotta go , I need sleep" I tell Jazzmine. "Alright, have a good sleep babe" she smiles. I blow her a kiss and I can see her blush. "Bye Hun" I end the call and close the laptop. "Lights out!" Zayn says.

Jazzmines pov

"Mommy can we make some cookies?" Diana asks. "Alright, let's go buy the ingredients" I say. "Let's get you in a cute outfit" I tell her. "Or nah" she says. Her and I quickly get dressed. "Look, my bump is starting to show!" I tell her. "aww does that mean the baby is growing?" She asks. "Yeah it does" I nod. "ok let's go buy some stuff" I grab her hand and we walk out. We get in the car and head to the super market. "Can we buy the good icing and the colorful sprinkles?" Diana asks as I take her out of her seat. "yes we can" I peck her nose. "Come on, let's go" we began walking down the block when we start getting surrounded by paparazzi. "Stay close and don't say anything ok?" I tell Diana. She nods and has her head down.

"Are you excited for your interview about your marriage?"

"Do you feel pressured in doing interviews?"

"Are Niall and you only together because of Diana?"

"Is media forcing you and Niall to be together.?"

"Are you secretly dating Luke Brooks?"

"Are you dating Harry styles?"

"Is it true that Harry styles had sex with the president?"

"How big is Niall's dick?"

I quickly rush in the store ignoring all the questions. Some people are seriously sick. "What's a dick?" Diana asks. "Don't say that word ok? That's a bad word" I hush her. "oh sorry" she says. I grab some flour and sprinkles and milk and icing. My phone begins to ring making me almost trop the milk.

"Yes?" I ask. "Hey babes" it's Niall. "Niall I'm not trying to be rude but aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I ask. "Uh yeah but I just can't sleep, I slept through the whole flight so maybe that's why" he says. "Well don't be blaming me if you start getting tired during your concert" I joke. "I would never blame you babes" he says. "what are you up to?" He asks. "Just shopping for food with Diana" I say. "Ok babes, make sure to check the mail, Your plane tickets have been sent and the hotel receptions all the crap" Niall says. "Alright baby, thank you" I say. "I gotta get going, Zayn is fighting with Liam" he quickly hangs up making me laugh.


GUYS THE END IS NEAR! I will be finishing the book this month and I'm no HAPPY 😭😭😭

HAPPY NEW YEARS!! Thank you so freaking much for all the love and support and votes and just everything! I know when I started the book, it sucked and I got a lot of hate from it but I learned a thing or 2 ahah I love you all so much ❤️


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