Chapter One: It Never Ends

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What is fear? 

Is it an emotion? Is it something to be tampered with or is it used for one's personal gain? 

Can you harness it? Can you control it?

Does it consume you at every waking moment? I'll tell you the truth... it does.

Fear consumes the human body and makes you feel like you have no control over yourself. It's like you become a shell of yourself and can't control your body. People have a choice to overcome that fear, to drive it out and rise up against it, but it's not easy. We live in fear from the day we are born to the day we die and it's inevitable. 

In death, we are at peace. However, we are scared when it's our time to move on.

That... is fear.

Somewhere in a quiet neighborhood, in a small home... tragedy has begun to unfold. 

A mother and father are on their knees, hands tied behind their backs, and guns pointed directly in front of their faces. Tears ran down the mother's face as she cried, fearing that the worse is about to come. Her sobs grew louder as she put her head down, looking away from the danger. 

"It's okay mi amor. Everything is going to be fine, no te preocupes." The father said to his wife as he tried to calm her down, but it made things worse. 

In a flash, the father was hit in the face with a pistol! Blood flew from his nose as he crashed to the ground! The mom screamed as she watched her husband fall to the ground, her cries echoing throughout the house! The robber kneeled down and grabbed the dad by his shirt.

"Don't you fuckin' listen!? I said... SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP!" The robber yelled as he continued to pistol the whip the dad over and over and over again. The dad's blood spilled onto the floor and his face began to change color as it became injured by the second! 

Having dealt the damage, the robber let go of the dad and got off the floor, not before dealing one last kick to the dad's stomach.

"Aaaaarrggghhh!" The dad groaned as he felt the air leave his body. He laid there beaten and broken. 

"Next time you speak, I'll have my guy over here get real comfortable with your wife over there, if you keep runnin' your goddamn mouth. You got it?"

The father didn't reply.

Angry, the robber put his boot on the side of the dad's face pressed down. 

"YOU GOT IT!?" The robber asked angrily! The dad coughed up blood and barley breathed out an answer.

"Y-Yes, kkkfff, Si Senor." 

Moving his boot off of the father's face, the assailant went over to his accomplice who was holding the mom at gunpoint. 

"We need to speed this up. I don't wanna be here longer than we have too." 

"Same here, but the kid said the shit was here in the house. What's taking so long?" The accomplice asked eagerly. The robber shook his head.

"I don't know, but he better hurry up. We're wasting too much fuckin' time." 

His buddy let out a sigh and shook his head as he pressed the gun against the moms head again. Little did the intruders know, there was people in the house. Hiding in the closet, only a few feet from the madness, was a young boy and girl. They were watching everything unfold as they saw there parents get beaten like dogs. 

The kids hid inside the closet when things started to get hectic. It was the only thing they could do. They were too small to fight back and feared what might happen if they were caught. The little sister started to cry, her whimpers sounding off from the second floor! 

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