𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍

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,, We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are." - MD


It was the 31st August, Theo and I were fighting over something irrelevant. I don't really know what because I was only trying to annoy him. That's when Enzo came to visit.

,,Sup mate, come to see me one last time before the holidays?" Theo asks smirking

,,Something like that." Enzo replies with a wink.

I was trying not to pay them much attention so I ran up the stairs to pack my stuff before leaving tomorrow. While packing I heard a knock on my door. ,,Busy." I shout while searching for my hairbrush.

Silence. And when I thought that whoever knocked was gone, it started knocking again. ,,I said I'm busy!" I shout again, my patience in this household coming to an end.

But whoever it was didn't quite get the memo. ,,For Merlin's sake." I say under my breath while making my way to my door.

I tear open the door ready to scream at the person in front of me that I'm busy and ask if they're deaf for not hearing me say so twice. But when I do my breath gets caught in my throat. In front of me stands Enzo. I haven't realized that he's wearing a black suit when I was downstairs because I was rushing to get away from my brothers.

,,Hey." He starts.

,,I'm a little busy here. Can it wait?" I ask

,,No I'm afraid not."

I motion for him to come in and close the door behind us, heading back to my bathroom to find my fucking hairbrush.

,,So what is it that is so important." I ask while turning my bathroom upside down.

,,Where the fuck is my hairbrush." I whisper under my breath . I turn around to look in my room again but I'm stopped by Enzo leaning against the doorframe , ankles crossed and a hairbrush in his left hand. My hairbrush.

,,Looking for this?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I grab the hairbrush and pass him by the door, our bodies brushing while I murmur a thanks in return.

I pack my hairbrush in my trunk while asking ,,So, are u just gonna stand there and watch me pack or start talking and leave the room?" . Harsh. Oh well.

,, Feisty aren't you?", he questions ,,Nah I feel like staying for a change."

I roll my eyes and start for the bathroom again. He still leans against the doorframe not even carrying about moving away so I can get through. I stand in front of him huffing and cursing before I try to walk past him. ,,Stupid little-" i murmur but get caught off by him pinning me against the doorframe, our bodies touching, his breath hitting my face.

I look up at him not daring to breathe. He stares back and starts leaning in. ,,Don't" I manage to say through gritted teeth. He can't do that, it's already hard enough .

He backs off with a hurt look in his eyes. ,,Enzo we can't.. we can't do this."

,,Do what?" A voice asks from across the room. We both jump back our heads snapping to the door. Theo.

,,Nothing we were just..nothing." I panic.

,,Nothing to worry about mate, just Y/N being stubborn again. " he gestures sarcastically before leaving the room with a confused Theo on his trail.

I tried to ignore what just happened and finished talking. Later on that evening I went downstairs for dinner .

,,Where's Enzo?" I ask while sitting across from Theo, Father at the head of the table. Mother absent again. Maybe she's sucking someone off right now.

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