𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕

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,,The hardest thing I'll ever do is walk away still loving you." -A


After talking to my brother about Hogwarts I went back to my room to get ready for later when I meet Enzo.

I sat on my bed thinking about all the possible ways to say that I'm leaving him. He doesn't know yet because I made my family keep quiet so I could tell him myself. They didn't ask why but I think they figured out that it would be best if I do it .

'Hey if this goes wrong you could always just obliviate his memories of us being more than friends' I think to myself. 'No you fucking moron that's stupid..I think'.

But how am I supposed to tell the boy I'm in love with that I'm gonna leave? It's not like we won't see each other when holidays come around or summerbreak. But this won't be the same. All this months together changed us. It connected us in a way. Made our bond stronger. And I can't deny the butterflies I get around him. That little spark when I hear his name. When he talks. Looks at me in a way I know that I'm the only one who gets to see it.

It hurts, knowing that I have to leave him. Leave us behind. But I can't move forward if I have this constant feeling pulling me back. It's wrong. We were never meant to be. This relationship is wrong. I might exaggerated but it's the truth. We are family. We grew up together. It's not right .It has to end.

And it's so fucking painful .

I change into a white school skirt and a tank top before I take my wand and head to the fireplace. Traveling by floo powder was never my thing but I can't apparate until im 17 . So there's that.

I pick a handful of floo powder and make my way to the fireplace. I bid my goodbyes to my brother and throw the powder into the fireplace yelling my destination.

I cough from breathing the floo powder in and step out of the fireplace. I look around the Leaky Cauldron to make sure Enzo isn't here yet. I search for an empty table and order two butterbeers.

As I'm sipping from my glass I take my surroundings in. There aren't so many people here . Mostly teenagers chatting, old wizards drinking and- fuck . I double-check to make sure I wasn't mistaking. But how could I mistake that infuriating blonde . Fucking blinds me. My eyes grow wide in realization. 'Not the fucking blondie' i sigh in exasperation. Out of all places. Out of all times. He has to show up here.

Draco fucking Malfoy ladies and gentlemen.

He's probably here to ruin my plan. To fuck up my relationship.
No that can't be it, he doesn't even know about us. No one knows. So why is he here. Maybe just a coincidence. Yes, a big one.

I turn back to my butterbeer when a chair in front of me gets pulled back. I look up to find no one else than the beautiful boy I'm in love with. Enzo. Suddenly a guilty feeling washes over me.

,,Hello there." I greet.

,,Hello beautiful." He greets back.

A blush creeps up my cheeks. This boy. We start chatting for a little bit talking about this new store here in Diagon Ally. When it's finally time to tell him I do everything I can not to look him in the eyes. I can't look at him while breaking his heart.

,,Enzo I wanted us to meet here because I have to talk to you." I start.

,,Well we are talking, aren't we?" He asks smirking. Not the time Enzo..

,,I'm serious, I have to tell you something and I don't think you'll like it. "

,,Fine then tell me, what's the worse thing that can happen? It's not like you're leaving me or something. "

My eyes snap back up at him from staring at a spot behind his shoulder. I open my mouth to speak when a lazy voice beats me to it.

,,Well , well who do we have here cousin." A voice cooes.


,,Nice seeing you again Malfoy." Enzo says. A smirk on his face.

They start chit-chatting for a couple of minutes until he finally looks up at me like he just acknowledge my presence. My heart starts pounding. A bad feeling washing over me. My hands starting to sweat. I rub my hands on my skirt and look away from him.

,,Hello there.", He chirps ,,Nott isn't it? Fancy seeing you here."

,,Can't say the same Malfoy." I bark not wanting to chit-chat.

,,How is your brother? I bet he's happy now that his little sister is finally attending the same school as him. " he replies with a smirk.

My eyes shot back to Enzo. Heart pounding. Hands sweating. No, no how does he know? What do I do.

,,Pardon?" Enzo asks arching a brow.

,,Oh haven't you heard?", Malfoy asks like it's the most obvious thing in the world. ,, We finally get the whole Nott family to attend Hogwarts." He finishes not taking his eyes off me.

He knows. He knows about my plan to tell Enzo. He knows about us. This son of a blond bitch.

Enzo turns to look at me , an unreadable expression on his face.

,,Well I'll let you to it, have a nice day cousin. Nott. " Malfoy says before walking away.

,, I listen I wanted to tell you about it ." I panic.

When I see that he won't make an effort in talking I start rambling.

,,We I it's not like I'm leaving for ever, I know you don't like Hogwarts and it's gonna make our thing difficult but we can work this out Enzo. We can-"

He puts his hand up to silence me. He takes a sip from his drink before finally speaking. ,,How long have you known about this?"

,,I , why , beginning of summer." I reply shortly.

He nods. Talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking. Tell me it isn't over. Tell me we can work this out. I want him to comfort me . I want him to tell me that it's okay.

But he doesn't. All he does is nod.

,,You understand that whatever we had , has to end ?" He asks after a deadly silence.

,,Yes." I reply looking down at my hands. ,,It's for the best. We could never work out. " i add so quietly that I'm shocked of how he heard it.

,,Why?" He asks his face still unreadable. Like a mask. He's putting up a mask. Hiding his feelings. Protecting them. Shielding them.

I clear out my throat before talking. ,,We would've never worked out Enzo, you are my brother's best mate. We have been living together for 13 years. We are basically brother and sister. And we can't hide for ever. It's for the best."

,,For the best." He murmurs

I take his hand from the table and hold it in my own. ,,For the best." I repeat with a sad smile.

He smiles back, not quite reaching his eyes.

We stay in silence for a while, finishing our drinks.

,,I should go. I never had the chance to buy my supplies and there's not much time for it." I finally say .

I get up and walk over to the fireplace , Enzo trailing behind me.

,,I'll see you around?" I ask.

,,See you around." He whispers.

I throw the powder into the fireplace and I could've sworn I saw a tear roll down his cheek before green clouding my sight.

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