𝑺𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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,,What is the difference between right and wrong ? There is no difference. In the end , you still get hurt one way or another." - A


There is a moment in life, when you realize that your choices have made a great inpact on yourself and the people around you. It it also the moment where you can't really go back. It's too hard to pick up the pieces you left behind. Detaching yourself from everyone and going your own separate way. 

Maybe I already passed that moment. Came to a point where there is really no going back anymore.  The more I think about it the more I believe it's true. Maybe I was meant to go a separate way. 

I always imagines a different world. Since I was young all I could think about was how great life must be when you're older.  I wanted to be in a place that I could call perfect. Where I would make the right choices, be with the right  people and live the right life. 

But then I realized that moment will never really come. In the end I have to accept that I'm searching for something I lost the moment I took the Devil's hand and put my trust in his.

It was wrong of me to believe he was right for me. I wonder what I did wrong.  

Time passed by slower than ever. It felt like the longer I did this-- killing people, taking their lifes away-- the more I could feel myself getting more tired than usual. It was truly exhausting.

I didn't have time anymore to attend classes. Not that many students did anymore after Dumbledore's death. The younger students stopped coming to Hogwarts- their parents deciding that it was best if they stood back since the safest place in London was currently the exact opposite. Voldemort suggested I should leave Hogwarts and stay at the Manor until it was over.

And I agreed. I agreed to leaving the only place I really felt attached to. It was for the better, Theo was in St. Mungo's and my father decided it would be essencial to take a 'much needed trip'to Merlin knows where and not let anyone know if he is doing fine or sulking on an exensive couch with a glas of whiskey.

I wonder how Enzo was holding up. He hasn't contacted me much- not that I would've really noticed since I gave up on opening the pile of letters sitting on a chair in the corner of my room anymore. 

Everyone around me was more of a blurr. A shadow from my past that I chose to leave behind when I saw the first pair of eyes stop gleaming with life.. all because of me.

No, I shook my head and took a deep breath.

It felt  satisfying not exhausting. Watching the  face of horror when they realize  it's their final moment. I could feel it through my veins. Every fiber burning with excitment at the thought of it.

Again and again and again.

I threw the bed covers off my body and stood up. There was no time to waste on stupid weak thoughts. Voldemort needed me to get rid of a man.

He told me he worked for a magazine. One that supported the immortal stubborn child. I scoffed and grabbed a new set of clothes.  It's just a new death added to the unending list. 


The house seemed special, sort of. It looked like a high stone in the middle of nowhere covered by vines. Clenching my fists together I made my way towards the house. 

Knock Knock

No answer.

I drew my wand out prepared to break down the door when a loud crashing sound came from somewhere upstairs followed by quick heavy footsteps. Soon enough the door slammed open.

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