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,,Where your attention goes, your time goes." - A

Wake up." Splash . My eyes snap open, my lungs searching for air. Cold water soaking my clothes. It takes me 6 heartbeats to come back to my sense. I breathe in and look around me. Theo .

,,What happened?" I breathe out.

,,You had a panic attack." He mutters.

I rub my eyes and stand up from the Slytherin couch. I'm in the Slytherin common room. With a quick look I realized that we're alone. ,,How long have I been out?"

,,Not too long. Maybe an hour until I woke you up myself."

I glare at my wet clothes and back at him. Was it really necessary to throw water at me?I grab for my wand and use a drying spell for my clothes and hair.

,,So are u gonna tell me what happened?" He asks , brow arched.

,,No I'm okay nothing happened." I lie to fast.

,,If you wanna talk about it , I'm here for you okay?" He states .

I nod, and with a quick hug he's out of my sight. I scratch the back of my neck and sit back down on the couch, trying to remember what happened before I came here.

,,Stop- Get off . I'm not a toy you can around with."

My hand claps around my mouth. Realization hitting me like a bludger, not really sure if I should cry or laugh. I told Malfoy to back off. I ran away from him. Groaning , I get up and go back to my dorm, my appetite suddenly gone.

I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow . Hours later a loud knock stirs me awake. The door opens revealing Jacob. A smile creeps up my lips.

,,Hello there. You weren't at dinner so I thought I'd bring you something back."

Something green catches my eyes and before I can think, I catch it. My hand turns , revealing a green apple.

,,Good reflexes, you should try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team." He chirps while closing the door and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I laugh, a genuine laugh. ,,You should see me on a broom then."

,,Sure , why not?" He gets up and holds his hand out for me. I look at him confused .

,,Right now?" I ask. He nods and I take his hand, pulling me off the bed. ,,You get dressed and I'll see you in 10 downstairs."

He's out the door before I can even blink. Was I really going to play Quidditch with Jacob?

With a sigh, I change into a proper outfit and braid my hair into two thick braids.


While walking down to the Quidditch pitch I couldn't help but admire the grounds. Hogwarts never failed to amaze me, it was much bigger than Ilvermorny.

The walk outside the castles to the pitch was silent. Just me gasping once in a while at the black lake or hagrid's hut. It was truly and utterly stunning.

Jacob nudges my side making me narrow my eyes at him. He points his finger forwards , my gaze following him. The Pitch. My jaw instantly drops , a laugh next to me breaks the silence.

,,You've never seen the pitch before?" Jacob asks snickering.

,,Yes I have, but never in real life." I defend myself not looking away.

,,Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." He chirps laughing.

I glare at him before we start walking again. We were only a couple of feet away from the pitch when three bodies on brooms fly across the field. I look at Jacob for an explanation but he doesn't look at me.

,,I guess we have company." He mutters.

The three bodies make their way towards us, three pairs of ginger hair coming in sight.

Fred and George.

,,Oh look who's here." Fred sings.

,,Y/N!" George adds.

I smile shily and mutter a hello. Their feet land on the ground before us , both of them separating, revealing the third person.

,,Hi! I'm Ginny." She introduces smiling.

,,Y/N." I reply smiling.

I look at Jacob who's keeping a straight face. My brows furrow in thoughts.

,,What brings you here?" Fred asks, gaze focused on Jacob.

,,I was about to fly around with Y/N, she has some good chaser skills." Jacob replies sharply.

Ginny smirks. ,,Is that so? I'm a chaser too."

,,The best." The twins say in unison making both of us roll our eyes.

,,We're goo-"

,,Yes sure why not." I answer , Jacob's mouth closing with a click.

,,Let's make teams , three against three." George suggest.

,,We're five that wouldn't work."

,,I have an idea , I'll be back. You guys can start." Jacob states.

I nod and get on my broom , watching him walk away . The autumn wind rushing around us. I look back at the Weasleys, a smile plastered on all of their faces.

,,How many of you are there?" I ask giggling.

,,We're 7 in total." Ginny scoffs. ,,And only one of them is a girl."

,,Oh ." I laugh. ,,It must be awesome having a big family."

,,It has It's perks." George confesses.

,,You should come to the Burrows with us . Mom would love to meet you." Fred suggests.

I gulp, not really sure of the idea. ,,I'd love to." I finally say, their faces breaking into even bigger smiles.

,,Oh look who's coming." Ginny announces.

I turn back around facing Jacob , a second person behind him. A smile finds it's way on my face when I see who that person is.

,,How did you get Blaise to join us?" Fred asks.

,,I have my ways." Jacob states, Blaise scoffing next to him.

,,Hey it's okay you can play with me Blaise." I say smirking.

He walks up to me throwing an arm around my shoulders. ,,Yes we're gonna beat the shit of the gingers." He replies confidently. ,,No offense." he adds earning snickers from everyone.

,,Everyone knows the rules?" Jacob asks tone serious.

We all nod eagerly before getting on our brooms and flying up to the Quidditch pitch.

An enchanted referee whistled, announcing the beginning of the game. The quaffle is thrown in the air , both me and Ginny flying with full speed towards it.

I was the first there, catching the quaffle and turning swiftly to the side, making Ginny fly straight to the opposite side. I giggle while making a left for the goals. Fred was glaring at me , focused on the quaffle in my hand. Movement on my right catches my attention. I take a peek and see Jacob on my right tilting his head to the right goal.

I smirk at him and fly directly towards Fred , his eyes going wide. At the last moment I pass the quaffle to Jacob, Ginny on his trail. He throws the quaffle at the left loop , catching us all off guard.

I clap in excitement as he throws the quaffle perfectly in the goal .
The match went on 80-70 for my team. Hours passed by and we finally took a break, flying down to the ground. My legs sore and tired from all the flying.

I let myself fall to the ground laying down and looking up at the sky. Fred and George talking with Blaise while Jacob and Ginny were arguing about who scored better only a couple of feet away from me. A smile creeps up my lips.

Today's event making me forget all about that infurious blonde.

I'm baaaack. Missed me? This chapter is not that long and the next won't either but that's bc Mattheo is gonna pop up soon and imma need to write a lot. How are u guys? You can vote or whatever <3

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