𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒆𝒔

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' ,,I don't know what to say." He said.
,,It's okay ," she replied,, I know what we are and I know what we're not." '


Mattheo's POV

Where the fuck was she?

I've checked everywhere, stumbled across them- she was nowhere to be found. Rage was building up by the minute and I could already feel myself on the verge of snapping. Everywhere students are screaming , most likely face to face with Death Eaters. At least this ball had some type of action going on.

The main halls were filled by black smoke, only flashes of red and green could be seen. There should be aurors fighting the death eaters off already. One minute she's in the loo, the next she's gone.  A splash of  blonde caught my attention. It took me three long strides to catch up with him- Lestrange at his side.

,,Malfoy!" I hissed, the blonde turning around, face pale. He looked nervous- sick even. I pulled him back with force, Lestrange too distracted to realize the disappearence of her nephew.

,,Do you know where the fuck Nott is? Did they catch her? The sick bastards-"

,,I haven't see her." He cut me off scoffing.

,,And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." He finished, pulling away from my grasp. 

,,What the fuck are you saying you disgusting-" I started, but he cut me off again- my fists clenching.

,,The only reason they would take her would be because of your sick plan with Voldemort. I heard you and if she disappeared it means she realized that you're a fucking liar."

Without a second to think, my fist collided with his jaw.  He stumbled bakwards, hitting the wall behind him. ,,What did you just say?" I demanded.

,,You heard me," he spat blood on the floor ,,I heard you talk to your father about your plan , you're lying to her- using her. She deserved to know." I grabbed him by his shirt, my fist colliding with his face over and over again.

,,You . Sick . Bastard-" I could feel my own knuckles starting to bleed. I raised my fist once more but before I could swing, my body hit the opposite wall. 

I stared up in shock and rage- Lestrange finally realized her precious was missing.  She glared at me with snake like eyes. But she didn't dare say a word. Instead, she grabbed Malfoy and helped him stand up, face already covered in purple and blue.

,,You have no fucking idea what you're talking about Malfoy." I spat, standing up. I couldn't waste my time on this pathetic lunetic. I had to find her and make sure no harm came to her. 

I went looking for her again and couldn't help but realize the difference between the smoke in the main halls and the one here on the second floor. It was almost like- before I could finish my thought, a body flew towards me . I dodged, barely escaping the flying corpse. 

Not soon after, a small sillhouette emerged from the blurr. Her dress was covered in dirt and blood. I expected her to look panicked and starled. But she looked so calm- too calm. The anger I felt earlier came back and I dashed towards her.

,,Where the fuck have you been?" 

Her eyes snapped to mine-  recognizing them. She sighted and her body was soon pressed against mine, arms wrapped around my middle. It took everything in me not to wrap mine around her small frame. 

,,Where have you been?" I asked again, more calmly now. She pulled away and stared at my chest. ,,After I left , death eaters appeared everywhere and I wasn't sure what to do so I tried my best to get away without getting into a fight."

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