𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨

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,,I don't remember agreeing with this when I decided to marry you." Y/N huffed, resting her hands on her hips and staring between the two figures.

Mattheo shrugged, winking at her from over his glasses and turning back towards the small girl, who was pleading with him.

,,You're the only one who can tell the story so passionately love." He added, throwing his feet over the coffee table and leaning back with his arms folded.

,,What do you think Harry thinks about all this? His wife might be all wooed by it but he definitely isn't."

,,I'm totally in for rubbing this under Potter's nose. It would be without a doubt the highlight of my monday morning."

She shook her head and pulled a chair on the opposite side, folding her hands on her lap and clearing her throat.

,,After the war, I had lost a person in my life that turned my world upside down. My brother passed due to.. an infection that has spread throughout the years. I was young and I wasn't sure how to cope with that, no one teaches you how to live with a family member's death so I fell into the more awful routine. I pushed everyone away including my husband and was stuck in a very dark place. I was all alone until your father came around, deciding that he no longer feared of what might happen next"

,,I know it's already been two years but you're the reason I'm still alive and I never came to really thank you for it."

,,He had a very thoughtful apology on the table but I couldn't really care about any of it, I just longed for my brother."

,,It doesn't matter Potter,  no one should be thanking me."

,,But your father didn't give up on me and a year passed with me getting the help I needed and finally got back to my normal self– if you could say that."

,,Yes yes, my father being a hero go on tell me when you finally met uncle Mattheo again!!" the small girl squealed, leaping from the couch up on her feet.

Y/N laughed, taking the girl in her lap and pushing the loose strands of hair from her face.

,,I was out drinking with friends and I went up to the bartender to order–"

,,Six fire whiskeys and  a bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy" both her and her husband recalled, smiling at each other, then she continued.

,,I wasn't really sure what to do or how to act, it felt like I was a school girl all over again with this huge crush on the guy in front of me who finally decided that I was worth his time. But the same feelings appear when someone you've dreadfully dreamed of at night , most nights– with regret and shame covering them. Fast forward we had drinks, we talked and I realized that I want to give us a chance again. I regretted leaving him and I realized that he was the one for me and he always will be , even if he didn't want me anymore."

,,But he did want you!" She interfered again. Y/N smiled, nodding in response.

,,Yes he did, quite easily actually. It looks like the place he was in didn't change the feelings he had towards me, but I knew that if he was angry I would understand.  I still think that way." She added, giving him a knowing look.

Before Y/N could continue, the timer in the kitchen went off signaling the finished dinner. She apologized and her husband silently took over, not wanting to leave the girl on a already known cliffhanger.

,,I knew I loved her even after she gave up on us and didn't even thought of seeing or writing to me. But that's how love works or whatever you might want to have called it. We spent a lot of time together.."

Y/N took the cooked meal out of the oven, halfway listening to the man talking to the small girl. She thought back at the moment they saw each other where she knew she would forever be his if he let her. She thought about every difference every argument and every problem that was shoved aside by longing kisses, sleepless nights and drunken confessions.

,,Your father on the other hand, was very worried about your aunt. He thought that she might have a breakdown or lock herself up again and end up in another battle with herself. Thankfully that never happened and after spending so much time together I was officially moving in.On our six months anniversary I decided,  I wanted to bind my soul to this woman and carry her heart with me every day for the rest of my life."

,,So you proposed." The little girl wooed, Mattheo nodded.

,,But you still haven't told me how!" She added, giving him puppy eyes.

Color stained his red cheeks and at the same time, a loud crash from the kitchen was heard followed by a chuckle and a muffled sorry.

In the kitchen, Y/N couldn't help but laugh at her clumsiness. She was horrified of the thought that Mattheo might tell her how he proposed instead of making something up. That's how much faith she had in her straight forward husband.

,,I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He spoke between kisses. He lifted his head from between her thighs at the sound of a choked gasp.

,,What– really?" She asked, looking at him shakily.

He nodded, kissing the sensitive spot between her heat and her thigh ,,Every minute of every day love."

,,Mattheo are you suggesting–"

,,To marry me? Yes, Yes I do."

Merlin  forbid a kid would ever hear of their proposal story.

Mattheo could never finish his story when the crackling fire place turned hot and in stepped a fully dressed  Harry Potter.

He saluted the woman in the kitchen and walked over to Mattheo and his daughter. The little girl sighted , a complain on her tongue, before standing up and letting her father pull her up into his arms.

,,You don't understand how thankful I am for taking care of her while I was gone. Ginny had to fill in for her friend and I thought I'd be home all day.."

,,No need to thank us Potter, if it weren't for Y/N I might be going through the same routine."

,,Well you're a lucky ba- man. Lucky man since your wife here started growing."

Both men, accompanied by the little girl, turned their heads to the woman in the kitchen who was cooling of the dinner she had made.

When she looked up she tilted her head but smiled nonetheless, one of her hands rubbing at her growing belly.

,,Dad next time come in later, uncle Mattheo wasn't finished with his story." the girl scolded her father, jumping from his arms and walking towards Y/N.

,,I can't wait for you to come out so we can finally play." She whispered as soon as she came face to face with her stomach.

,,Well, I'd like to think that our story has yet to fully start little one." Mattheo spoke, his face softening at the sight of his pregnant smiling wife.

A story that has yet to start.


You guys wanted an alternative ending so here I am, giving you one xx

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