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,,It's not how long you live that matters.  It's what you live for." - A


I've only heard about the stone from 'the Tale of the Three Brothers'. It was the second Hallow created, supposedly by Death himself. 

Originally in possession of Cadmus Peverell. Supposed to bring back a form of the dead. Whoever is in possession of all three hallows was said to be the Master of Death. 

Harry Potter already has the Invisibility Cloak. Lord Voldemort has the Elder Wand. 

And now, laying in front of me, I have the Resurrection Stone. 

I bent down and slowly picked up the grey stone.  Turning it from side to side, I stared at the stone laying in my palm.

,,I see you found the second hallow created by death."

The sudden voice made me gasp, turning around while clutching the stone to my chest. My eyes widened in surprise.

From all the death's I could've seen, I ended up meeting my old Headmaster– Dumbledore.  He looked the same way as the last time I saw him. Hunched over a book behind his oak desk.

,,Headmaster  you wanted to see me?" I found myself asking  the moment I stepped into his office the gargoyle statue let me in.

He looked up from his work, scratching his long, grey beard while the corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly. 

,,Miss Nott, please have a seat." He responded collectively. 

He offered Acid Pops but I politely declined, I needed to go to the library and pick up remaining books on dark magic and it's use.

,,Headmaster,  I'm afraid to ask but– have I done anything that lead me here?" I couldn't help but ask. If there has been anything I've done,  any traces of my doings,  I'm screwed.

,,I've wanted to ask how you're doing dear."

My eyebrows furrowed as I gazed at the man in front  of me who seemed as calm and collected as before. I coughed slightly,  drifting my gaze away from his– now very found of my own Mary Jones. My hands became sweaty, causing for me to rub them against my jeans.  The movement not unseen by the old man.

,,Yes, I'm as good as ever." I finally responded, furrowing his own brows. Was I really that good? No I wasn't, that wasn't a hard question to answer. I've  slowly been detaching myself from everyone in my life, my family– or what's left of it, my  friends. There's only Mattheo I have left, only him.

But the ball  was coming up soon and at least I could relax a little again. Let the music take over and let my problems swim out into the open ocean.

Pulling myself together and sitting up straight again, I looked up at him, reading his gaze. ,,Is there any other reason you've called me here?"  A question of my own followed.

,,No my dear, I've just made it my business to look out for  the ones in need of someone." I bit my lower lip and looked down at the papers laying in front of him. I was in need of someone? No that's not it, I'm perfectly capable on my own. I have Mattheo.

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