Part 25 he was there again

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Sorry for this messy chapter..

''You sure you can handle him?''Natasha asked dressing James up

She felt tired but James was energetic so Steve decided to take him to the park to let her relax and sleep.

''Darling we are gonna be okay have a calming shower and go to bed''Steve smiled at her kissing her forehead

''You sure?''She asked again

''Yea you been so stressed out and flinched all the time lately is everything okay?''Steve asked

''Everything is fine Steve I told you already''She said frustraded

''See that's what I am talking about''Steve sighs kissing her forhead

''Take care baby''Steve said taking James

''Steve I am sorry-''she said

''take your time and talk to me when you ready okay?''Steve said

''Thank you be careful please''Natasha said kissing both their cheeks

''We will''Steve said taking James to the stroller and out of the house.

Steve felt that the last days she had been acting weird always being quiet and in her own world.

Also being super protective with James and when someone tried to touch her she flinched.

He felt like she might feel stress that's why he told her that she could stop working for sometime to take some time to herself.

He didn't know what else he could but he always hugged her to make her feel safe.

So he found the perfect chance he would get James for a walk to let her calm.

She made sure that they left before locking their rooms door she was being paranoid..

Something was off about the messages but she didn't want to worry steve he would get crazy.

She checked her phone one more time to see if the messages had stopped.



You should stop ignoring my messages and warnings I don't like it...

She sighs reading the message which creeped her out a lot..

She undressed herself filling the bath with warm water so she could at least relax a little bit.

She got inside the bath placing some soft music calming herself to the point she fell asleep finally feeling relaxed.


''Steve'' she groaned feeling a kiss on her neck and continued sleeping.

She woke up wrapping a towel around her body and dressing up in steves clothes to feel warmth and safe.

"Steve?"She yelled trying trying to find him in the house

"Steve are you hiding?" She asked searching the kitchen and going back to their room

She took off her phone which she had placed in silent mode to relax


You smell like roses

She threw her phone to the ground shuttering it.

She started shaking while sobbing she was scared and Steve wasn't there.

He wasn't there..

He didn't kiss her..

She took her shuttered phone her hands shaking and called him.

"Hey baby-"He said

"Steve-?!"She started sobbing

"What's wrong?"He asked

''Where- are you-?''She asked

''I am coming right now with James are you okay-?''He asked

"Please come back please I need you I can't do this"She sobbed

"Calm down and stay on the phone with me tell me whats wrong?"He asked

''Someone- was in our house''She said panicking

''I was in the bathtub he came and touched me,kissed me.. kissed my neck''She stuttered

"I am coming"He said as she hung up the phone

Steve sighed and called Sam.

"Hey man!"Sam said

"I want more security and I want the fucking camera footage!"Steve yelled

"What's wrong you already have enough security!"sam said

"Not enough when someone can easily walk into our room and touch her while I am not there!"Steve yelled

"WHAT?! Again?!"Sam asked

"You fail me everytime"Steve yelled closing the phone and running up to their room

"Nat?!"He asked entering their room

She was curled up in the corner of their bed looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Oh nat" he hugged her tight

"You said he was gone'' she whispered

"Shhh I am gonna find and kill this bastard that dared it"he rubbed her back comforting her

"Where is james-"she asked

"He is downstairs"Steve said

"Please I need to see him- please bring him to me"she cried

"Of course"Steve run downstairs and took James bringing him to Natasha who hugged him with all of her might

"Please don't leave me alone never again"She cried

"I won't"He said kissing her forehead hugging her until she calms down falling asleep on the bed with james

Steve hugged her trying to calm himself down as Sam called him.

"You are not gonna like this"He said

"What happened?"Steve asked frustrated

"It's the same thing that happens a year ago he is the same dude he broke into your house that day..."Sam said

"Fucking asshole"Steve cursed

"Did he texted her? We can try from there"Sam said

"She waS shaking Sam he was fucking in here she is way more calm than she should be right now- I will see when she wakes up she needs some rest for now"Steve said hanging up

"I am gonna find him I promise you"he said kissing her forehead

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I will be updating really soon!
Who is this guy :)
Probably has a lot of mistakes but it's 3am guys sorry I will fix tomorrow!

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