Part 16 the divorcing papers

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Did anyone miss me?🥺

Natasha was sitting at her office doing some work when a message popped up in her phone.

It was Laura telling her that she was in the lobby with James so she could go and get him.

She didn't waste any time she quickly made her way to the elevator and to the lobby to take her son.

She walked to the lobby floor as she saw Laura with a playful James in her arms.

When James saw her he started exchanging his arms to her to pick him up making some babble noises.

"Come here baby"Natasha grinned widely taking him in her arms

"I am sorry Nat"Laura said

"Laura you have nothing to be sorry it's okay thank you"Natasha hugged her

"Ooo my two favorite people"Clint appeared from the corner he walked to Laura kissing her lips and then at James and Natasha

"You better get going so you won't miss your appointment guys"Natasha smiled at them

"Take care"Clint said kissing hers and James cheek

Natasha smiled walking to the elevator with her son.

"You need to be quiet baby don't cause trouble"She told him but he was lost in his own world babbling

Natasha walked out on the floor of her office with all eyes on her and little James.

Coworkers of her rushed to them they adored James he was such a cute baby.

"He grew up so much since the last time I saw him"Daisy nearly screamed

"He really he is a big boy now"Natasha smiled proudly

She saw Steve from the corner of her eyes as he was standing by his office door watching her.

"I need to get back to work but we need to go for some coffee soon okay?"Natasha smiled at her

"Sure"Daisy said

Natasha walked with James to her office where Steve followed closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing here? You have to get ready for your meeting"Natasha said

"You are more important"Steve said looking at her with adoration

"Steve go"Natasha said

"Can I just take him a little? And I will go"Steve said pleading

"Of course here"Natasha smiled giving him James

Steve sat in the chair with James on him he kissed his forehead and played with him Natasha just sat down and smiled at the sight taking some pictures.

"He knows you are his father"Natasha said

"Of course he does my little boy"Steve smiled

"When I shift him on someone he cries and begs me to pick him but with you he is calm like he is on me"Natasha said making Steve happy

Steve kisses James forehead one more time and passed him to Natasha to go and get ready for the meeting.

"I will see you later love"Steve said and left

"Don't call me that"Natasha groaned

Natasha sat on her chair and started doing her work again with James touching everything in his way.

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