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"Good of you to join us" Charlie teases when Ada finally joins Polly and her. "Where've you been all day?" Polly asks not looking up from her newspaper. "Couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up, then I was cold. Then I had to go for a wee. Then I was with this bear on a boat, but that was just a dream." Ada replies, sitting down. "Why are you reading the paper?" Ada proceeds to ask her aunt. "Why wouldn't I be?" Polly replies, "I've never seen you read the paper, only light fires with them" Charlotte laughs. "BSA are on strike. The Miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys 10 a day...." then Polly pauses staring at Ada who continued eating a slice of bread. "What?" Ada asks. "Stand up" Polly says, and Ada sighs but does it anyway, and Charlie notices what Polly has. Ada has grown tits. It's a well known fact around their house that Ada has no boobs.

"Polly! What are you doing!" Ada exclaims when Polly cups one of her breasts. "Ada, how late are you?" Polly asks and Ada sighs. "Well last weekend.." "that's not so bad" Charlie says, "will be 2 weeks since I started taking iron tablets because it'd been 5 weeks" Ada adds. "So 7 weeks" Charlie says and Ada nods. "The tablets didn't work" Polly points out and Ada shakes her head. "What am I going to do? The fathers not even here." Ada says. "Whose is it Ada?" Polly asks. "I can't tell you, you'll tell them and they'll shoot him and throw him in the cut" Ada says shaking her head. "Alright, I'll tell you what. I'll book an appointment for tonight. 6 o clock. Then we can be sure. Be there Ada" Polly says exiting the room.

"It's Freddie's isn't it." Charlie states and Ada nods her head crying against her sisters shoulder. "How'd you know?" Ada asks, "I saw the way you used to look at each other, now he's back and you've been sneaking about, something you'd never done before. And you said the father ain't here, I know Freddie left when the coppers did their raid." Charlie says. "Don't tell them. They'll kill them and maybe me." Ada pleads. "They'd never harm you Ada." Charlie assures her, "I don't want my baby growing up without a father." Ada cries. "Freddie will come back, he loves you" Charlie says, "but what if he just slept with me to get back at Tommy" Ada says, voicing her doubts, "then he deserves to be shot and thrown in the cut" Charlotte replies. "If I am... I'm keeping it. I'm not getting rid of it" Ada tells her. "It's your choice Addy, I'll support ya. Now no more tears, let's get you cleaned up and ready, ey?" Charlie says standing.

"What about you and Diego or is it you and Ziah?" Ada smirks. "Neither." Charlie shrugs, "come on, you and ziah must've done something, i feel the tension. And we know he likes you, even if our brothers are too blind to see it." Ada prods. "Nothing happened. It was a little bit of harmless flirting on his behalf. I said nothing and we've done nothing. Besides I like someone else..." Charlotte shrugs. "Who.. who do you like please tell me?" Ada says using her puppy dog eyes. "They don't work on me" Charlie smirks, "it works when Finn does it" Ada pouts, "Yeah, well Finn is Finn. Everyone knows id let him get away with anything." Lottie admits. "Come on Lotts, just tell me you who you like?" Ada laughs as Charlotte blushes. "Yeah come on Charlie girl, tell us who you like?" A male voice speaks from the door way, turning the girls see their oldest brother stood there a frown on his face. "How long have you been stood there?" Ada asks slightly scared he'd heard everything. "Not long... only since Finn can get away with anything... why is there something I'm missing?" Arthur asks eyeing his little siblings suspiciously as they shake their heads. "Got my eye on you Char." Arthur warns, walking off.

"Well that's great I'm going to die a single old maid." Charlotte groans flopping onto the sofa. "It's better than dying a virgin... speaking of.. have you?" Ada asks a smirk on her face, when her sister flushes a bright red. "Oh my gosh, you have! Who with?" Ada squeals. "No one special." Charlie says sadly, "I'll see you later, I'm going to the stables if anyone asks" Charlie says excusing herself, grabbing her gun on the way out and making her way down to the stables to see Curly and Crystal.

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