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Today was the grand opening for the Grace Shelby Institute for Orphaned Children, the family had all arrived, and were currently stood outside the orphanage getting their photo taken, Tommy stood in the centre holding Charles with his siblings, and aunt surrounding him with their kids.

"Welcome to the grand opening of the Grace Shelby Institute for the non-insured children of the poor, i would very much like you to join me in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Thomas Shelby" Polly announces and the crowd starts clapping as Tommy hands Charles to Charlotte, who gives him a reassuring smile as he heads up to the front, "i didn't come here today to make a speech, but i will say this. These children are now safe. In our care, they will be safe. Because we are from the same cold streets as they are. And in our care, they won't be shipped away to the colonies. Or separated from kin. Or made to work for men in their various ways. They will grow up here, at home. Loved. In Birmingham. Because this is our city" Tommy speaks, "by order of the peaky blinders" Arthur says clapping and standing encouraging everyone else to do so. "I'm going to step outside for a bit, keep Charles close" Tommy whispers to his sister who nods, watching him leave out the side door. 


"Tom, he wants you" Charlotte says handing Charles over to his brother who was being swarmed by some older ladies.


"Lottie, have you seen Charles?" Tommy questions frantically his eyes searching the room, "i gave him to you about a minute ago Tom" Charlotte replies, "shit" Tommy swears quietly, "look, go ask Ada and Polly, ill check round the house incase he's playing somewhere, can't have gotten far" Charlotte tells him, leaving out the nearest door, rattling the doors which were all locked, hearing Tommys shouts for Charlie she realised something was wrong, kicked down the external door, she sees a nurse with a baby in the car driving away, reaching for her gun to shoot the tires she realises they're out of reach. "Get back here" she yells chasing after the car, but they were too far, rushing back up to the house she sees her 4 brothers, "Lottie? Where is he? Wheres my son?" Tommy asks shaking her, "John go find Moss, block of all the junctions" Arthur commands, as Charlotte places her hands either side of Tommys neck, holding him still, "someone took him" Charlotte tells him as he fights to get out of her restraints but she pulls him back to her, "listen to me, listen to me. A nurse has put him in a car, they've put him in a car and drove south. Arthurs getting road blocks and spotter sorted, I'll set up shop, put every man we have got on the junctions" Charlie tells him holding him close, "yeah, yeah" he breathes out, glad she was taking control of the situation, "you gotta go to the office, you gotta sit by the phone, the cunts that took him, they're gonna call. Now get in the car" Charlie says leading him into a car gesturing for Polly to come over, "go to the office" she says. 

"Scudboat! Harrison! Lovelock! Diego! Ziah!" Charlotte shouts and the three men rush over to her, "every single man we got on the junctions between here and Maypole. Now" she commands. 


"Where's Finn?" Tommy asks as Charlotte walks into the Shelby home. "Out with the young'uns looking for the Riley. We couldn't reach him" Charlie replies, "i need to know who spoke. Our enemies know everything, everything. I need to know who spoke about business outside of the family. I need to know who spoke, and who they spoke to. Now." Tommy states looking round his family, "Tommy-" "Your wife, Arthur?" Tommy interrupts, "im gonna- im gonna tell myself that you're not thinking straight, your minds not clear." Arthur replies, "or Esme getting cash for cocaine, John?" Tommy then speaks, "fuck you" John says, "or you Ada, all of a sudden back in the family. Surprise, out of the blue. On whose orders?" Tommy accuses, "Tom- this is not helping find him" Charlie interrupts, "or you with all your fucking secrets, that Theo guy" Tommy stares, "Thomas" Polly warns, seeing Charlottes hands clench, "or you and your painter, you said he knows you. Things developed. You talked. If anyone has talked about the tunnel to anyone else, i need to know and i need to know this fucking second" Tommy says, "what about your clay kickers?" John speaks, Arthur humming in agreement, "i trust those men with my life." Tommy replies, "more than you trust us, eh Tom?" Charlie says, "yeah, as of an hour ago yes." Tommy nods, "where's Michael?" Arthur asks, "i never told Michael about the Lilies of the valley. The only people i told about the Faberge Eggs are in this room." Tommy says, "i'll help you get your son back, but you accusing us of this shit, after everything we've fucking done, thats fucking screwed up Shelby" Charlotte says poking his chest as she walks out, "if you must know, i came back for love, and common sense" Ada tells him following her younger sister out. "Esme's got no need for extra cash" John states also leaving, "you bring my wife into this, means we don't speak until business is done" Arthur tells him, "John, Arthur. I need 50 sticks of BSA dynamite, 300 yards of cable, and 6 detonators by midday tomorrow. This is evidence, i need you to scatter it. We're blowing up a train and people are gonna die" Tommy says handing over a file, walking away in the other direction. 

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