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Charlotte was currently walking through the thin corridors of Bingley Hall, Jessie Eden and her brother trailing behind her, as she rattled doors along their way trying to find an empty room. Finally opening one she ushers the two of them in. "I'm gonna go check in with Aberama" Charlotte tells Tommy and he nods.


"OI Abe" Charlie says pulling him to one side, "Lion? You aint meant to be down here" Aberama replies, "is everything in place? Everyone know what they're doing. We can't afford to screw up" Charlotte says and he nods, "yeah, very clear instructions, thought crazy man up top, should double check on him"

"Good, good. I'll go there now. Tommy'll be on stage by the time i reach Barney, but he won't have given the cue yet" Charlotte says, "stay safe little one" Aberama whispers as they separate, Charlotte navigating her way through the crowd, into the back and private passageways of the building, climbing up a ladder, hauling herself onto a platform, then going up a few flights of stairs, climbing through a window, landing on her feet down the corridor for Barney, looking through a small viewing point where she saw Tommy lifting his pocket watch, and Aberama being choked by Jimmy McCavern. Starting the countdown in her head, she looks at Barney who was positioning his sniper, it got to 6 and suddenly a man came behind him and shot, covering her mouth she waits for him to run off, rushing to Barney, taking the sniper, 3 seconds, 2..1. She shot, once, taking out Mosley, then twice, Jimmy. About to run, she sees two men stood either side of her. Guns to her temples.

"Bad mistake" one of them says, pulling the trigger at her head, the other man shooting her heart, and Charlottes body falls to the floor weakly, collapsing on Barney. Two dead bodies in one pile. But Mosley was dead. So was McCavern. Her family were alive, thats the last thought that went through her head as she took her last shaky breath, welcoming the darkness. Her family were safe.


"The crazy fucker did it" Arthur cheers, shaking hands with Aberama behind the curtains, "fucking took out Jimmy too, Scottish cunt was about to strangle me to death, that guys fucking crazy" Aberama smiles, the two men watching turning to watch Tommy on stage, they had to give it to him. His acting was pretty damn good.


The family all arrived back at Tommys house, where they'd all planned to meet once they'd gotten out of there. Away from the fascists and cops.

"Wheres Charlie?" Arthur asks, looking round the room. "She went to check on Barney, they'll be here soon" Aberama replies. "In the meantime, anyone need a drink, i sure as hell do" Harrison sighs, taking a chug from a bottle of rum, passing it round.


"Tom, why is Moss here? AND Solomons" Finn asks, peeking out the window, as the officer approaches the door to the house, "I invited Solomons, and if its just Moss, alone. He's safe. Johnny let him in" Tommy calls out, and a few minutes later Moss walks into the room, his face slightly pale, Alfie behind him, a cheery smile on his face.

"Tommy, you crazy cunt, you fucking did it" Alfie smirks, and the family cheer.

"Sorry to burst your bubble." Moss speaks and the family all quieten down as the officer steps further in taking off his hat, "Moss, what is it, we are fucking celebrating?" Arthur says, "your sister. Charlotte. We found her" Moss tells them solemnly, "where is she?" Isaiah asks, "she- she. She is dead. Bullet through her left temple and heart. She was on top of this beefy bloke, he has a bullet hole in the back of his head. She was holding this, her finger still on the trigger" Moss tells them, and the family all stop, "what the fuck did you just say?" Diego shouts, "Charlotte Shelby is dead." Moss repeats. "You're lying" Isaiah says, "i wish i was, i got her body out, she's in the back of my car" Moss says and Tommy was the first one up racing out of the door to the police car looking in the backseat, tears prickling at his eyes as he saw his baby sisters lifeless body laying there. "Lottie, wake up. Wake the fuck up" Tommy pleads shaking her body, as the rest of the family came out, "Lottie! Wake the fuck up! This isn't fucking funny!" Tommy shouts, not bothering to turn around when he heard a body collapse. Isaiah had fainted. "Lottie! Fucking wake up!" Tommy cries cradling her body, "wake the fuck up, you're not dead. Open your fucking eyes!" Tommy yells.

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