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"Tommy. Tommy. We found Gavins location. 23 Overloam Steet." Finn says rushing into his office; ever since Finn had found out what had happened to his sister he rarely slept, he'd been to every pub in a 10 mile radius interrogating the people that worked there or that were regulars, day or night you could find him doing something to help further their search and after a 2 and a half weeks they'd finally got his location.


"I thought I told you not to tell anyone sweetheart." A voice speaks pulling Charlie into a dark alleyway, muffling her screams with his large, calloused hand. "You told your brothers, that's against the rules darling." The mans voice whispers into her ear, holding her between himself and the wall, her back to his front, now pulling her hair with the the hand that was used to cover her mouth, the other roaming her body. "Good girl. Don't make any noise." he says turning her to face him, removing her gun, chucking it to the side. "My Dear, I know you." he chuckles cupping one of her breasts. "You fucking told them!" he rages slamming her against the wall, bringing his fist back striking her hard across the face, watching with content as she falls lazily to the floor. "You're not even fighting back." Gavin says kicking her stomach. "If I'm going to die, I'm getting another reward darling. There's a target on my head, it's a matter of when, not if. So I'm going to make the most of the rest of my time." Gavin says climbing on top of her, slapping her face, "we are going to have some more fun sweetheart." He says moving one of his hands to the zipper of her jeans, "no, stop! Help! Get off me. Please! No" Charlotte exclaims pushing against him as hard as she can but was still too weak. She wasn't sure whether it was due to him being more physically strong or the power he held over her because of last time, but either way it wasn't working. He'd managed to pull her jeans down to her knees, punching her when she made the exclamation. "I'm going to fuck you. Again and again and again. I want my last few hours to be full of pleasure. A pleasure you're going to provide" Gavin smirks bringing his hand to choke her, "No. Please. Stop. Gavin get off me." Charlotte pleads. "That's it say my name" he says.


"Tommy! Arthur! John! Finn! One of yous or all of yous get here!" Harrison yells walking into the betting den. "Why the fuck are you yelling?" John asks. "I was at the Garrison, someone came in telling me that they saw a blonde man, around 6 feet tall, drag Charlie into an alleyway." Harrison says. "Where?" Tommy asks the oldest Muerte gaining his full attention. "Around Fleamont Street." Harrison says, and all the Shelby boys take off. Heading in the direction of Fleamont street. "I want him alive, he doesn't get the cowards way out, just get him unconscious. Finn you get Charlotte and take her home. We'll take care of Gavin." Tommy says, when they arrive at Fleamont street.


"Help! Get off!" Charlotte cries, earning another punch to the face, waiting for another but it never came, his weight was no longer on top of her. Opening her eyes she sees all 4 of her brothers, Tommy and John holding Gavin up letting Arthur hit him.

Finn was crouched in front of her, he was speaking but she couldn't understand, all she could hear was a loud ringing, white noise, and everything seemed to be in slow motion. He brings a hand clicking in front of her voice, she starts to focus on that and soon after she can hear his voice, it's slightly muffled but she can make out what he's saying. She nods when he asks if he can lift her up. Putting both arms under her arm pits Finn pulls Charlotte to her feet. Letting her pull her trousers up and re zip them up. "My- un" she says trying to speak. "Un. He ook my un." She says trying to sound coherent. "Your gun?" Finn asks and she nods.

"The boys will get it. Let's get you home." Finn says, and she leans against him.

"I feel so dirty Finny." she says. "We will get you cleaned up. Okay? We will get you home, change your clothes, get you washed, have some food and drinks." Finn says. "I want closure." She states. "You're gonna get it. That man is never gonna come near you again." Finn promises his older sister. "I want to be there. I want to see the life drain out of his eyes. I need to see that he's gone." Charlie cries against his shoulder. "I'll speak to Tommy. I think they're gonna tie him up somewhere for a bit. They ain't going to kill him yet, he doesn't deserve it." Finn says pushing the door to the betting den open, ignoring everyone and going straight upstairs, taking her into the bathroom. "You get undressed and in the tub, I'll send up aunt poll." Finn says running the water, as she nods, waiting before he closed the door to start taking clothes off her body.

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