The Sports Festival Begins

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"Gather 'round, mass media! It's time once again to see the high schoolers you know and love revel in their youth! It's U.A.'s Sport Festival! Everybody— ARE YOU READY—?!"

Even deep inside the stadium you could hear Present Mic's booming voice and the subsequent roar of the crowd, all here to watch the first years' sports festival. Their excitement was catching because, despite being run ragged for the past two days and only getting four horses of decent sleep last night, you were plowing through last minute preparations like a boss!

The biggest job yet to be done was to  input participant information into high-tech location software. In simple terms, matching student to tracking signals.

Though the business course didn't actually participate in the sports part of the festival, you started with them. The point was mostly to demonstrate the behind-the-scenes aspect of running large events like this. Similarly, though they were more likely to participate than the business class, the support classes were able to see how tech was used for real world solutions.

Of course, by the time you got to the general studies classes, you were just trying to get done as quickly as possible since business and support has eaten up a lot of your time with questions.

Class 1-B was a nice change of pace, seeing as you were friends with a few of them. Matching everyone took less time than you expected and soon you were off to the Class 1-A prep room.

Even before you opened the door, you could hear Tenya loudly checking on his classmates. "Is everyone good and ready?! The event is about to begin!"

"Not before I get you all tagged, it's not," you grinned, stepping through the door.

"(First Name)," Izuku beamed. "I thought you'd be part of the third year event."

"Technically, I'm a third year," you explained, "but a specialized course study means I'm not really part of the class. Besides, I'm Class 1-A and B's medic."

The mood in the room instantly shifted at the mention of Class B. Glancing at Izuku, you quietly mumbled, "Did something happen?"

Izuku cupped his mouth and softly whispered, "The other classes caught us after school a week or so ago. I guess everyone's been on edge since then."

"Ah..." you nodded before changing the subject. "Well before we start, I've got to get you all registered," you waved your tablet.

One by one, you had the student stand apart from the group so you could tag the tracker in their PE uniform.

"I wish I could've worn my hero costume," grumbled Mina.

"Apparently they're not allowed in the interest of fairness, consoled Mashirao.

"Unless you fill out a special permission form, like moi~" crowed Yuga, striking a pose as you registered him. Indeed, his file had a note that said he'd been cleared to use his belt.

You were working with the extremely shy Koji when Shoto made his move.


Your attention immediately fixed on the two boys, as did the rest of the room.

"What is it, Shoto?"

"Objectively speaking, I'm stronger than you."

"Huh? S-sure..." stuttered a stunned Izuku.

"All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?" Shoto continued. "Right now, I don't care why that is, but I will beat you today."

You weren't sure whether you should step in or not, so you were glad when Eijiro spoke up.

"Hey man," he placed a hand on Shoto's shoulder. "Why pick a fight now? We're about to start."

Shoto shrugged off the physical contract, "I don't care. I'm not pretending to be anyone's friend."

"Shoto..." Izuku began, "I know you're stronger than me. Most of you are. And...even kids from other classes are aiming just as high."

"Don't put yourself down like that, man-"

"But that doesn't mean I'm gonna fall behind." Izuku met Shoto's gaze. "I'm gonna give it everything I've got."

Shoto only glowered before letting the conversation drop. You could see Izuku breathe a sigh of relief though it was clear everyone was suddenly motivated.

You finished as quickly as possible, nearly missing Toru due to her lack presence. You took your scans and hurried to the viewing room where you could monitor the entire stadium. On a platform in the middle of the room, you added your info and a virtual map appeared with little green dots signifying each student.

They were clustered by class now but once you heard the dull roar of the crowd, the little dots all moved into the main field.

Turning to the monitors, you got an actual visual of what was going on with clearer audio.

"Welcome to the U.A. High School Sports Festival First Year Stage. I'm your referee: The R-Rated Hero, Midnight," smiled the scantily clad woman onstage. With a seductive lick of her lips, she added, "I'm shivering with anticipation so let's get started with the athlete's oath!

"Your student representative is Katsuki Bakugou!"

Even on the monitor, you could see each student lock on to Katsuki as he marched up onto the platform with Midnight where a microphone was waiting. As the camera zoomed in, it just happened to catch your attention that he was wearing the boots from his hero costume.

"I just wanna say," he paused as his voice echoed in the stadium and the waiting crowd grew quiet with expectation, "I'm gonna win."

The stadium erupted with lots of booing as Katsuki stepped down and Midnight tried to regain control.

"Now, without further delay, the first event will be..." she waved a hand up to a protection behind her, "... an obstacle course race! Students, to your positions!"

You and some volunteer second year support class students stepped to your individual stations where you could monitor two classes each (yours being 1-A and 1-B). Recovery Girl remained on the platform where she could see most of the main screens and give directions.

You glanced down at your station and watched as your forty little green dots gathered at the starting line and the countdown began.


Thank you for your continued readership.

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanza! Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate any of those... either way, I send you good vibes in a hectic time and hope 2021 treats everyone better than 2020.

I told myself I'd update all my stories as a Christmas gift for everyone waiting patiently for new content. This was the second of three. Hopefully I actually follow through on the third. Please leave questions, comments, concerns, requests, suggestions, etc. Please! I like feedback! It'll help make the story better. However, be nice to your fellow readers.

Thank you for reading.

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