Igniting Sparks

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<Katsuki's POV>

"MOVE IT, YOU STUPID NERD!" I snap at Deku. The little bastard was blocking the door to the classroom, grinning at his phone like an idiot.

He jumped and nearly dropped the device as he scrambled out of my way. "S-sorry Kacchan."

I brush past him, pissed off that he could be this happy first thing in the morning. Still, my thoughts don't linger on him for long. Instead, they drifted back to the person that has plagued my thoughts since the entrance exam: (First Name).

She was one of the few girls who didn't flinch when my temper snapped at them. Hell, she was one of the fewer girls that snapped back. She didn't treat me like I was dangerous.

And that's why I couldn't get her out of my head. (First Name) would creep into my mind and once I caught myself thinking about her, I'd push the thoughts away. It was worse when she was in class with us. I'd find myself constantly glancing in her direction, looking for- For what? Her admiration? Her approval? Her damn attention?!

'Rrgh! Stop thinking about her!' I told myself. 'She's just some annoying bitch!' This cycle was becoming more and more frequent. It was infuriating. I was here to be a hero, not go gaga over a girl!

Thankfully Eraserhead started class so I had something to distract me.

"Today, you'll be making a decision that will determine your future," he mumbled in his usual lazy sounding voice. "You'll be choosing a class rep."

In an instant, the entire class was in an uproar. Everyone wanted the position but dammit if I was going to let anyone else have it.

"HOLD ON EVERYONE! THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO GO ABOUT THIS!" yelled the prep school robot from the back of the class. "We should put it to a vote. That way whoever wins will truly be the individual that is most trusted by the class."

Eraserhead shrugged. "Whatever. Just do it before my nap's over."

I had to admit that, while I didn't like that stick in the mud, an election was the best way to avoid all this chaos. Anyway, everyone wrote their vote on paper and everything was tallied up.

"It's decided. Our class rep will be Izuku Midoriya with 3 votes," announced the robot. "And our deputy will be Momo Yaoyorozu with 2 votes."

My anger flared again. "Alright! Who the hell voted for Deku?!" Eraserhead quieted the class so I never got my answer, though I had a pretty good idea given that only three people got 0 votes.

When the bell rang for lunch, I headed for the cafeteria. Apparently I wasn't walking fast enough because I could hear Deku and his nerd brigade behind me.

"Who're you texting, Deku?" asked...uh who was that girl again? The one that got infinity on the ball throw.

"N-nobody," Deku sputtered.

"While I don't condone the use of cellphones at school, you were looking at your messages," commented the glasses robot.

"Heh heh...yeah- HEY!"

"Oo~ You were texting (First Name)~" Infinity girl teased.

"Give it back! S-she just wanted to know how my arm was feeling."

I had to resist the urge to spin around and explode his face. 'That shitnerd got (First Name)'s number?! And he's the new class rep?!' I had to take my hands out of my pockets to keep from setting my pants on fire.

'Dammit, I'm not jealous!'  I tell myself, though I know it's not true. The thought of (First Name) with Deku was enough to make my blood boil and it didn't help that that weakling kept getting hurt and sent to her for healing.

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