No Monopolizing the Medic!

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"Nngh..." you groaned as you rolled yourself out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Once you could see clearly, you shuffled to your desk to check your calendar. After a dazed second, you realize you were almost at the end of April and flipped the page to check on May.

Immediately, your eyes land on the circled day  of the first week. The U.A. Sports Festival.

With all the excitement you'd almost forgotten. No doubt the teachers would be announcing it to their classes this week if they haven't already.

You quickly pulled up the computer to check your schedule for the day and couldn't help chuckling a little. Vlad King had apparently called dibs on having you in Class 1-B for the entire week before the sports festival.

Looking back, even you had to admit that Eraserhead had almost monopolized your time with Class 1-A since school started. And Vlad King always did like to try and one-up Class 1-A on the national stage.

One exciting class on the "Economics of Hero Society" later (sarcasm fully intended), you met Vlad King in front of Gym Gamma.

"The plan for today is for the students to learn about each other's quirks," explained Vlad King, gruffly. "Consider it an exercise in teamwork improvement."

You nodded having gone through similar training about this time when you'd been lumped in with the first years. It felt weird, now that you thought about it, being two years ahead of every other student your own age.

The first student to arrive was Tetsutetsu, practically sprinting, as the rest of the class trailed behind. You saw Itsuka's orange hair among the crowd. She grinned and waved when she saw you as you moved over to meet her, Ibara, and Setsuna.

"We hadn't seen you in so long, we were starting to think you'd died," teased Setsuna.

"I almost did," you admitted.

"Huh? When? At the USJ attack?" asked Itsuka.

"Yeah," you gave your new scar a pat through your hero suit. "Bone bullet quirk."

"How unfortunate," Ibara spoke, calmly and quietly. "Villains truly are a loathsome lot."

"Yeah, yeah. Lucky Class A gets some first hand experience against some villains and now they're celebrities," snarked Neito, appearing behind the girls.

Itsuka shot him a look, "Behave Neito. They're our schoolmates, not our enemies."

"Quiet down, all of you," barked Vlad King. "Class is about to start." The group immediately grew still, all eyes on their teacher.

"Now, as Tetsutetsu has been so eager to remind us, the U.A. Sports Festival will be here before you know it."

"He's been talking about it for days," whispered Setsuna, stifling a giggle as a sharp glance from Vlad King sliced her way.

"This is your first big step to becoming heroes," he continued, "Not only will you be representing Class 1-B, you will be representing U.A. High on national television. Do well and you'll have plenty of opportunities. That goes for every class."

Vlad King turned and waved a hand for his students to follow him in where Cementoss was waiting. Setsuna leaned over and quietly asked, "What does he mean 'every class'? Aren't there only two hero courses?"

"Yeah, but if students in General Studies, classes 1-C to 1-E, do well enough they may be transferred into the hero course," you replied.

"Meaning any of us could be kicked out..." chimed in Neito.

"Eee! Don't say that, you'll jinx us!"

"Negativity will only invite disaster," Ibara quoted softly.

"No, negativity invites rationality," he retorted, "If we want to come out on top, we need to have a plan."

"And you have a plan?" asked Itsuka with a raised eyebrow.

"Not yet, but I've got time..." he gazed over his classmates, "...and one sports festival expert." You and the other three girls watched as Neito wandered off toward the silver-haired hero.

"What are you going to be doing during the sports festival, (First Name)?" asked Ibara, politely changing the subject.

"I'll be on standby with the medics in case anyone gets hurt." It was a pretty big behind-the-scenes job that was a lot more in depth than it seemed. Thankfully you didn't have to explain any further because Vlad King began giving instructions.

"You'll be paired in team of four. You'll start on opposite sides of the gym and you'll attempt to get all of your teammates from one side to the other," he jabbed his thumb at the empty gym. "You can use your quirks, even if it means sabotaging another team. The first team to the other side gets extra credit."

"Um, sir, isn't that kinda... villainous?" asked one of the girls with hair like a mushroom.

"Technically, yes. The purpose of this exercise is to get you ready for anything they might throw at you during the sports festival. Working in teams will also familiarize you with your classmates' quirks so you'll be able to work together even when things get rough. These skills will be critical once you're full-fledged heroes and have to team up on the fly."

So like Vlad King to shove so much into one lesson. You moved to the sidelines near Vlad King and Cementoss as the five groups of four took their positions.



Thank you for your continued readership. Two chapters in two months; I'm doing pretty good for now. Don't expect it to last, though. Something is bound to come up and pull me away again. BUT! At least we've OFFICIALLY finished with Season 1! Now on to Season 2 and the Sports Festival!

At the end of 25 chapters, we're at 100K views, 4K votes, 2K comments, and 130 followers! Not bad. Thanks for sticking with me, everyone!

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