Trial by Fire

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Katsuki and Tenya were given a five minute head start to place their weapon and make any other preparations. Izuku and Ochaco were left outside while the rest of the class went to a nearby building. All Might led everyone downstairs to a monitor room hidden in the basement that had video feeds of the hideout.

You take a spot at the back of the class so you had a good view of all the screens and a clear path to the door. Based on previous experience, Izuku would probably get hurt so you needed to be ready.

On the monitors, you watched as Katsuki and Tenya moved their fake weapon to the fifth floor. You could see Katsuki talking and, though you couldn't hear anything, you assumed Tenya answered because a sadistic grin spread across Katsuki's face. A shiver went down your spine.

'Shit...he looks like a villain... and damn... I think it's hot.' You thought, hating yourself a little.

"Team A, Team D. Your time starts now!" said All Might as the fifteen minute countdown began.

You watched as three bodies leapt into motion as Izuku and Ochaco ran around to the side of the building to enter from a window rather than the door. The third was Katsuki who dashed off, leaving a stunned Tenya to guard the weapon alone.

Izuku and Ochaco carefully made their way through the maze of corridors, pausing at the second floor stairs to talk, probably about their strategy.

But you couldn't think about that for too long because Katsuki rounded the corner, taking Izuku and Ochaco by surprise. They barely had enough time to dodge as he demolished the wall with an explosion.

The smoke cleared and you saw that part of Izuku's face mask had been destroyed, but he was otherwise okay.

"That's low!" commented Eijiro. "Sneak attacks are so unmanly!"

"But it's a valid strategy," returned All Might. "Remember he's supposed to be playing a villain."

"But that green kid sure can dodge," piped up the pink skinned girl.

Katsuki went on the offensive again, swinging a right hook at Izuku. But Izuku dodged, grabbing Katsuki's arm. Before Katsuki could counter, Izuku flipped him over his shoulder and slammed Katsuki to the ground.

'Yes! Way to go, Izuku!' you grinned. 'Wait...what are you doing, stupid? Quit talking! Now's your chance to capture him!' you thought, watching Katsuki rise to his feet. 'Don't let him get up!'

Katsuki glared at Izuku then started screaming at him, his whole body shaking with rage.

"What're they saying?" asked Eijiro. "These cameras don't have any sound."

"I can hear them on this little radio I gave both teams so they could communicate if they were separated. I also gave them a map of the building," explained All Might.

"But wait," said pink skin, "the heroes only have fifteen minutes to find the weapon and the villains can distract them. That doesn't seem fair."

"Pros face this sort of thing on a daily basis. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" All Might said proudly. Leave it to him to make a disadvantage sound heroic.

An explosion on screen drew your eyes as Katsuki launched himself at Izuku again, ignoring Ochaco at his back. He kicked out at Izuku who blocked with his right arm. Ochaco turned and fled up the stairs.

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