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This is your one and only profanity warning. From here on out, there will be cuss words because Katsuki is no longer four and has gained a more colorful vocabulary. He may not be the only reason for this warning, but he is the main reason.


"(First Name)!"

You snapped out of your daze and hurried after Recovery Girl. This was no time to be spacing out. You had a job to do.

"(First Name), I'll take city A. You take city B. We'll move down the line as we finish."

"Yes, ma'am." You knew the drill, having done this for the past two years.

You exit the control room and dash off toward city B. Above your head, you could hear Present Mic calling the end of the exam.

"Thank you for tuning in, viewers! Please assemble at the gates if you're still kickin' so we can get a head count."

You slow to a jog as you reach the gate, grabbing the roster sheet from the medical tent the school had set up beforehand. 

You turned to face the gathering crowd of students. "Does anyone here need immediate medical attention? Or see someone who does?"

At first, no one moved, then a hand appeared above the crowd. "I- I do." The crowd parted to let him through. Even from where you stood, you could see blood dripping from a gash on his forehead. 

You step forward and carefully take his head between your fingers. "Hold still, please." You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his wound. You pulled away after a second or two. "That should do it. Go get cleaned up over there." You point to a row of portable washrooms as you pull out an alcohol wipe from your pouch to clean your mouth. You turned back to the crowd. "Everybody else, line up."

The boy you treated walked away, a slight blush on his cheeks. The other students lined up quickly, some more eager than others. You methodically work your way though them all, filling out bits of paperwork as you went. A few of the more...immature students tried to fake an injury so you would kiss them. Of course, you had enough experience to see through the farce.

You'd just dismissed a kid with purple balls for hair when, lo and behold, Katsuki appeared in front of you. Inwardly you groaned. Outwardly, you simply asked. "Name?"

"Katsuki Bakugou." His voice was deeper than you remembered. He'd definitely changed since you'd last seen him; gone from mildly cute to a rugged beast. You hated to admit it...but he was hot.

"Any injuries to report?" you asked, trying to stay on task.

"Do I know you?" he asked, his intense stare meeting yours.

'Cuts to the chase, doesn't he?' you thought. "Depends. Do you plan on apologizing?" A ghost of confusion crossed his face before the pieces clicked.

"You're that bitch from the (Last Name) clinic."

You shot him a sour look. "My name is (First Name), thank you very much. Again, any injuries to report?"

"They let a loser like you into U.A?" he scoffed, apparently mistaking you for a student.

"No, they hired me as staff," he was starting to make you mad. "That makes me a pro, unlike you." You finished your sentence with a condescending sneer.

Sparks ignited on his palms and his face darkened to an angry scowl. "What'd you say, bitch?"

Though his aggressive display intimidated you, you managed to hold your ground, matching his glare. "I said I'm in charge here. So if you don't have any injuries, get the hell out of my line and out of the way."

I'll Be (Your) Number One! (Bakugou x Reader or Midoriya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now