xxxvii. orion

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THE FIGHT BETWEEN Rick Grimes and Pete Anderson, as expected, quickly became the only thing the people of Alexandria began to care about, or at least would, for the time being.

Ella figured that much, just from what it was like to leave the bloodied scene. As being dragged from the event by none other than one of the culprits sons, Carl, was still enough to give her a little perspective as of what was currently running through all of their new neighbors' minds. She had lived long enough to recognize the fear on their faces, and body — all ranging from their pale complexions, faces coated with a slight sheen of sweat, and the sight of visibly shaken hands, or pairs of legs. It was still a little odd though, to take into account the reasoning of this terror. Knowing that all of the people who were once suppose to be considered their new allies were terrified of their previously recognized leader was bad enough, but to realize that they were also scared of her, and the boy who was formerly by her side, was even worse.

It was even more weird, to come to this discovery as of what the side-eyed glances they received, truly meant. For awhile, Ella had never really considered herself to be this dangerous person to be wary of, in all honestly. Yet, everything felt as if it was shone into a completely foreign light, after taking a step into Alexandria. All of sudden, she was being asked these questions from an oblivious crowd, whenever she even left the house, along with sensing the dragged out stares, from strangers she hadn't even learned the name of.

That type of gaping, however, soon could be considered of looks that could more so resemble a tuned down glare.

Of course though, these types of stares, they weren't radiated off of every single person of Alexandria. Rather, looks resembling those of glares, were from the ones who hadn't heard the entire backstory of the Rick versus Pete beating. All they were aware was that an outsider, one who pointed a gun at them, decided to abruptly try and attempt to murder their lone doctor, in cold blood, while in the middle of broad daylight. Which, being put in that way, portrayed Rick to be the bad guy, in this situation. Something that was, evidently, not the case. That much was known by those who were aware of the horrors that Pete casted down, on his helpless family.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒, carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now