Chapter 2 "Soccer girl"

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"Bye Tim." One of the girls from chemistry tells Tim.

"Bye, Angie" Tim said checking her out from top to bottom.

Angela, one of Exy's now new chemistry partners had walked Tim to his class. Now as Tim stood there watching her walk away, which she probably put a lot of effort into her hip movements, he noticed a little distance away Exy talking to some boy.

"Psst, Soccer. I'll let her know how it is." Tim breathed out as he walked towards her. Once he was a couple feet away she looked up at him, he froze as she smiled and turned her attention back to the boy she had been talking to. Before Tim could react she was already looking away, a smile started spreading across his face, but was soon interrupted by the warning bell. He turned around and headed to class, taking one last glance as Exy entered the building to hers.

Finally, the dreadful first day of school was over. Everyone was either boarding the buses to get back home, getting picked up by family, or throwing their back packs over the back seats of their cars as they hurried to leave school grounds. Of course except for the football players and the girls soccer team.

"You stayed." Elena said as she tied her hair up into a pony tail. "Ready to run?".

"Of Course." Exy said mimicking her friend, as she tied a pink hair tie around her own pony tail.

"The football boys are still doing their laps. So when they're done, it's game." Sophie said, one of Exy's team mates.

"No problem." Exy added.

Once they saw that the boys were nearly done they decided to head on out to the field. They put their belongings together in a pile and started to stretch. Getting some attention from the football players as they ran their last lap. Exy, completely ignoring the stares, plugged in her ear phones and pressed play on her IPod letting Ed Sheeran blast through her ears. She put her IPod in her running strap and did a few more stretches. The last football player ran past them and after what seemed like only seconds the girls set off. As she was on her second lap the football players were getting a water break. Although they weren't getting much water down, with all the admiring of the soccer girls.

That's when Tim noticed her. He was so concentrated on her that he didn't hear one of the guys, John, ask him a question. Until he asked again.

"Yo Tim, what you looking at?" He said.

"Or should we ask who?" Carlos added, another football player.

"Huh? What?" Tim answered.

"What's up dude?" John said.

"Oh nothing, see that chick right there, the new chick" Tim said.

"Yeah, Exy? She's nice right? But uh she ain't new bro." John said

Tim made a confused face.

"You don't remember her do you?" He asked him

"No." Tim said turning back to look at Exy.

"She's been here since freshmen year bro. Remember, I think it was last year you bumped into her and all her things scattered to the floor? You didn't even offer to help pick them up either, but what you did ask for was.." John was saying.

"Money." Tim finished  for john.

"Yea dawg, you were faded that day. It was hilarious." Carlos interrupted.

"That was her?" Tim said.

"Yeah, that was Exy." John said taking a sip of his water.

"We all know how Riggings roles!" Carlos said. "You like her man? Is she gonna be the next chick? Bet you can have her drooling over you by tomorrow." He added.

"No." Tim said

"No what?" He asked.

"I have her in a class and she said football was over rated.

"She's a soccer girl that's why. She can be pretty sassy sometimes too, but I've heard she's probably their best player." John said putting his cup back on the table and strapping his helmet back on. Just as the coach blew his whistle, ending water break.

Exy was the only girl who ran the 3 miles they had all planned on running. Why? Because after the second mile they stopped to admire the boys. Tim was digging the attention, but once in a while glanced at Exy. The next time he glanced at her she was walking towards the locker rooms. He shook her out of his mind and concentrated on practice. After Exy changed she let the girls know she was leaving.

"See you later. Okay?" Exy said to Elena.

"Yea, I promise tomorrow I'll do the 3 miles." Elena said with a cheeky smile.

"Hopefully the boys won't be here." Exy said gesturing at all the other girls gushing over the football players.

"Hopefully they are." Elena says. Exy gives her a look. "I was only kidding." She adds.

"Well I'm off see you tomorrow?" she says.

"Yea. Are you sure you don't want a ride?" Elena asks.

"Yea it's cool. I feel like walking." Exy says.

"Ok." Elena says giving her a hug.

Exy starts off home, which is just a couple blocks from the school. The boys' football practice finally finish's and Tim decides to head straight home.

"I'll shower at home, I'm beat." He lets one of the football boys know. He jumps into his truck rolls down his window, turns his music on loud and starts the car. He looks back and forth through the soccer girls getting into their cars around him in the parking lot, but there seems to be no sign of Soccer Girl. Maybe she already left he thinks and sets off home. As he pulls into his street there she is, Exy walking on the sidewalk with her earphones on singing.

"Unbelieveable" He breaths out. As he smiles.

Tim can hear her, considering his windows rolled down. He lowers his radio and watches her as she turns into a lawn and up the front steps.

"She lives here?" He tells himself. He decided to drive off before she notices him starring.

A few houses down he parks his car into a drive way and jumps off pulling his back pack with him.

"She leaves there? Hmmm." He asks himself again as he can see her house in the distance. "Who would have thought." He adds with a smile as his hand runs through his hair and he walks towards his front door.

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