Chapter 13

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"Helena! Wait up." - Tim yelled from the other end of the hall way.

"Do you know if Exy made it to school today? I haven't seen her all week."

"No, she's at the hospital with her family." Helena said making sure Tim saw her roll her eyes at him. 

"Are you going to see her later on today?"

"I don't know maybe."

"Do you think you could give her these for me?"  Tim held out a bouquet of sunflowers, Exy's favorite.

"I don't think I can do that for you, sorry, I gotta go." Helena says walking away.


It was now Friday the day of the boys semi-finals, a full week since Paulina had gotten sick. Helena had missed school because she was busy taking care of her nephews, and because she wasn't ready to see him yet. He called her at least once everyday and sent her multiple text's but she hand't answered one. Her mom had noticed something was up but being kept busy at the hospital kept her from prying more, until that Friday afternoon...

*Knock. Knock. Knock.

Exy looked out the window and saw his truck parked out front.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Her mom said coming out of the kitchen and wiping her hands on her apron.

"No.  Please mom, tell him I'm not here, tell him I'm in the shower, just please get rid of him."

"What?" Her mom said looking through the window.

"Is that the truck from down the street? Doens't that boy go to school.. wait a minute isn't that the boy your sister said you were dating?"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Mom, please. I promise to tell you everything if you just send him away."

"Fine." She heads over to the door.


"Oh, hello Mam. My names Tim, Tim Riggins, you're daughters boy...umm her friend."

"Well hello Tim nice to meet you."

"Yes nice to meet you too mam, I was wondering if I could speak to Exyadeth for a bit?"

"Oh, honey she actually just got into the shower, it's been a long day."

"I understand. I just haven't seen her around at school and I just wanted to check up on her, and see how Paulina was doing."

"Oh, how lovely of you. She's doing fine, she's been recovering well, doctor said she might be able to leave sooner than expected."

"That's wonderful to hear."

"Yes, thank you for asking."

"Well mam, I better get going before I get in trouble with my coach for leaving right before the game, but I just wanted to see her, your daughter that is."

"Oh honey, that's right today's your guys' semi-finals? That's been the talk all over town. Well I'm sure she would want me to tell you best of luck. You go get them."

A smiled spread across his face.

"I'd like to believe that mam, do you think you could let her know I dropped by? And maybe give her these?" He hands her the bouquet of Sunflowers.

"Don't worry, I will."

"Nice meeting you mam."

"Nice meeting you Tim. Thank You. Take care now."

Exy watches as he gets into his truck with his football uniform and drives off."

"Very nice man he is." Her mom says bringing Exy back from her thoughts.

"Yeah, well...sometimes."

"What shall I do with these?"she lifts the bouquet.

"You can throw them away."

"These had to have cost him a lot, and they are your favorite."

"Do whatever you want with them mom."

"Are you going to tell me yet?"

And that is exactly what she does, from beginning to end. Of course leaving off the sleepover mishap and the kissing. She's expecting this big speech form her mom, but all she says is

"Only you know baby, you do what's best for you."

They have dinner and put the boys to sleep in Jonathan's room when her mom starts turning off the lights in the kitchen.

"Well I'm going to sleep mom, goodnight."

"You know, if you leave now you might be able to catch the last quarter of the game."


"Your dads car keys are on the hook, lock the door when you leave." She heads into her room for something.


"Hey Exy? I think you might want to read this." She says handing her a letter, that must have been wrapped with the flowers.

Exy takes it and stuffs it into her back pocket before grabbing her purse and her dads keys.

She reaches the school and decides against sitting in the stands. She stands off by the field and as the boys huddle around during a time out Exy glances at the score board before reaching for the letter...

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"Dear Exy..."

Tim RigginsWhere stories live. Discover now