Chapter 1 "First Day"

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See Exyadeth, or Exy as everyone called her, wasn't the most talked about girl at her school. Yet, she wasn't the least talked about either. She had a good group of friends, mainly soccer athletes, but she wasn't one to shy away from crossing the social later and building close friendships with those of different social standings. Exy was very much liked by all.

She was a very pretty girl with hazel eyes, long light brown hair that curled at the tips. A sweet smile, that always made her one dimple on the right side shine. She was just naturaly beautiful, no need for makeup, but she always applied just a tad. She was one of those girls who could care less about what people thought of her. She never saw the need to go out or party, so she usually stayed home babysitting her nieces and nephews, reading a book, or doing something soccer related on most weekends. Soccer was hr lofe. Thats for sure, she lived and breathed it. She was just a pretty simple girl with a simple life, she dressed how she liked, she talked to who she wanted to and lived life practically worry free. Until Now.

Exy arrived at Bird View High for her 3rd year, now a Junior, in high school. Like the year before, it was mandatory to check in with your last homeroom teacher to pick up your new schedule. Pretty pleased with this years outcome, English, Geography, Math, Teacher Assistant, Lunch, Chemistry, and finally Music, she headed off to her first course. Her first four courses went by in a breeze and Exy was exited about lunch. Lunch meant she would be able to catch up  with the friends she hadn't seen all summer. They talk about soccer, about the books they had read, about the new guys in school, just regular stuff until the conversation was interrupted by the bell for next period.

"Okay guys, I'll see ya later?" Exy told her friends.

"Of course." Elena her best friend answered.

And Exy started to walk towards her 5th period class, Chemistry.

As she walks up to the door, the teacher Mrs. Trinkley hands her a number which corresponds to  the desk of her new assigned seat. "Yay Me." Exy tells herself. She sits at her desk awaiting to see who she gets partnered with. To her right two people have already been assigned as partners, but to her left the seat remains empty. Of course it's a round table so if no one sits there she could just join the girls across from her to the right. The late bell rings cutting Exy from planning in her head how the three of them would be lab partners.

The teacher starts the class's regular schedule, like every other class had on the first day of school, procedures, rules etc. When she's in the middle of explaining the rules the door opens and in walks Tim Riggins.

A tall well built boy, his hair is long and hangs loosely around his face. His facial features are those of a models, perfectly angled in all the right places. Tim Riggins really was a handsome boy and he knew it too. He put the erk in Jerk though, everyone knew that too, but most people chose to ignore it.

Exy had never had an actual conversation with the football player before, other than that one time he bumped into her knocking all her belonging to the floor, not bothering to help her pick them up, but having the nerve to ask  for a dollar to buy a soda of course.

And of course to Exy's luck the teacher assigns him the seat next to her. Before he sat down she made sure to move her things over along with her chair. She wanted nothing to do with this boy, but if she had to work along side him she would do her best.

He sat down and after a while Mrs. Trinkley decided to play the famously hated by all students introduction game. Haven't heard of it before, consider yourself lucky, everyone has to introduce themselves to their new group and talk a little about what they like to do. Then when called upon by the teacher they had to share something they learn about their new classmates. First to go are the two girls Exy was planning to be partners with. Boy did those girls try to impress Tim during their introductions. Talking about football and how they go to every game, boring stuff to Exy, but obviously things they believed would "wow" Tim Riggins. Unfortunately for them, not once did he look up from his phone as the girls spoke. Finally after much blabber from the girls it was his turn to go, leaving Exy last.

"My Names Tim, Tim Riggins, as you probably already know (Exy rolls her eyes) I live and breathe Football. I am the toughest full-back this school has ever had, number 33 baby. (The girls squeak)  I love to drink and party and I love girls."

He winks at the girls, then at Exy who makes a disgusted face at him.

Exy was next at introducing herself, but even before she started Tim had already pulled out his phone and was texting away.

"My Names Exyadeth, but you can call me Exy. I love to read and sing. My Favorite sport is.." She starts saying as Tim looks up "Soccer, football to me is overrated" she says looking into his eyes making his mouth hang open."So I play soccer, and I could watch it all day, my favorite color is turquoise and I love to paint my nails" She finished.

"What?! Are yo..." Tim started to say but the bell signaling that class was over rang interrupting him. Followed by Mrs. Trinkley saying something about finishing where they left off tomorrow.

Exy picks up her things and before Tim can continue she's out the class door and headed towards her next class period.

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