Chapter 7

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That night before she went to sleep, her phone vibrated with a notification.

She turned off her lights and grabbed her phone to check before laying down. New Friend request on Facebook the notification showed.

"Hmmm." Exy said as she clicked to see who it was.

Tim's picture popped up, he was standing next to his truck holding up a Red solo cup. Surprise.

She smiled and clicked accept. She put her phone down on her counter and got comfortable in bed when her phone beeped again.

She checked it and had a new message from Tim that read

"Still awake Soccer girl?"

She smiled and typed back " About to go to bed actually."

within seconds he responded with a "Me too, early morning tomorrow. Got to be ready before 7:30am."

Exy typed back a simple "Haha." With a smiley face.

"I'll let you sleep, good night Soccer Girl." Tim responded.

"Good night 33." Sent.

She breathed out and held her phone for a while before she put it back down on her bed side table and laid back down. Falling asleep soon after.

She hadn't received any messages from Tim that morning. Had he not woken up? Still she was ready and heading to her door at 7:34. After she locked her door and turn to face the street she saw Tim smiling at her from his truck. Had he been here all along?

"You're 4 minutes late." He said.

"Funny." Exy added with a smile.

She walked up to the car, only hesitating for a second before she got in. There was this bag in between them and two coffee cups from the 7 eleven, that was about two blocks away.

"I got you hot chocolate, didn't know what you preferred." Tim said a little nervously.

"Wow, thanks. Hot Chocolate is fine." She said grabbing the cup and smelling the chocolate.

"There's like a huge banana muffin in here and of course..." he started to say as his hand search inside the bag for something. "Coconut M&M's" he finished.

"Yumm." Exy said "Thank You."

"I usually stop somewhere in the morning to grab something anyways."

Tim said playing it cool.

"Well either way it's very nice of you Ti...33"

He smiled at her as he drove off towards school. Once they arrived they stayed in the car and split the muffin in half, Exy gave the bigger half to Tim who took it gladly. She actually loved banana bread and a banana muffin was just that. After a couple minutes the warning bell rang and Exy finished off her piece and opened the door, Tim reached out for her and she stopped moving.

They both stared at each other not saying anything for a good 5 seconds before Tim looked down and said "Wait you can't forget the best part." As he opened up the M&M bag.

This time Exy let Tim keep the bag and she waved at Tim as she walked to class eating her M&M's.

"See you in class Soccer girl." He called out and Exy held up her famous peace sign.

During 5th period they had mild conversations, usually relating to Chemistry. Tim was making the girls laugh non-stop this class period and he even got a giggle from Exy which made him happy.

The bell ending class rang and this time Tim waited for Exy to finish putting her things away.

"Since we are going the same way, might as well walk with you." He said holding the classroom door open for her. Exy's response was a simple smile.

Tim RigginsWhere stories live. Discover now