Chapter 8

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Knock. Knock. Knock

"Tim the door!" Ryan called from his room.

Tim got up from the couch to open the door.

"Hi." Exy said when he opened the door.

"Exy?! Come in. You're soaked." Tim said pulling her in.

Exy shivered.

"What happened?" Tim asked

She caught him up on what happened and how she was locked out waiting for Elena to respond so she could go stay with her.

"You know you can move in closer." Tim said to Exy who had stayed standing on top of the greeting mat by the front door.

"It's okay, I don't want to get anything else wet." She said through shivers.

"Are you cold, come on I can give you something to change into." Tim said

"No, no that's ok." She answered.

"Who was it?" Ryan asks coming out his room.

"Oh, Hey Exy! What happened?" He said looking at her then added  "Tim go get her some dry clothes!"

"Got locked out of my house." Exy said a bit embarrassed.

Tim came back from his room with a pair of basketball shorts and one of his football jerseys.

"Hopefully these fit. You can change in my room or the bathroom." Tim.

"You can put your clothes in the dryer if you like, as well." Ryan said.

"Thank you guys." Exy said walking into the bathroom with the clothes Tim gave her.  A few minutes later she came out, the shorts fit her a bit loose after tying them as much as she could and the shirt after a couple folds, fit her at a decent length.

"Looking good Soccer girl." Tim said coming out of his room making Exy blush.

"The laundry room is this way if you wanna wash that and dry it." He said gesturing to the wet clothes in her hands.

"Yes please." Exy answered following him. "Maybe I should wash this with some of your clothes so I won't waste water on only mine?"

"You don't have to."

"I don't mind, plus I would feel better doing it that way." She said smiling.

After she added her clothes to a washer a long with some of Tim's they headed back out to the living room where Ryan was in the kitchen looking through the cabinets.

"I think we have three minute soups on the bottom left cabinet." Tim said to his brother.

"Umm, I can make something for you guys?" Exy said

Ryan stood up from looking in the bottom cupboard "You would do that?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, what do you guys feel like having?" Exy asked both boys

They looked at one other knowing exactly what one another were thinking but it was Tim who asked

"Do you know how to make fettuccini Alfredo Pasta?" he smiled.

"Yeah." She laughed "Is that what you guys want? Do you have ingredients for that?" she added.

"I doubt it, but I can give you guy's money and Tim can take you to the store." Ryan said a little too enthusiastic.

"It stopped raining already, so we could do that." Tim said looking at Exy.

"Sounds good, maybe I can get some things for myself so I won't have to use Elena's if she ever answers me."

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