Chapter 3

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The rest of the week Tim didn't pay much attention to Exy, only acknowledging her when he had to in chemistry class. Not that Exy noticed she was too busy running her laps and reading her new book 'Lock & Key'.  Tim hadn't seen her walking home since that first Monday of school and during practice, sometimes he noticed her others he didn't.  About a month had passed and it was now Friday morning before the first football game. The school was all pumped and ready for the Panthers first win, yes they were so confident they were already planning the victory party. Exy had made it through most of the day without having to join in on the football game conversations, until she was in chemistry class. Angela, and the girl Exy knew now as Ashley, were talking about the game non-stop. Exy knew it was probably to get Tim's attention but just like always he was texting away.

"So are you going to go to the game Exy?" Ashley asked. Tim looked up from his phone a bit intrigued.

"To the football game?" Exy asked.

"Yeah." Angela said.

"Nope, I've never gone to a game." Exy responded. Tim put his phone down and now was really intrigued.

"What? Really? Why not?" Ashley said.

"Uhh, I guess it's never caught my attention." She responded.

Ashley and Angela saw that Tim was now looking.

"Well I'm definitely going. I'll be wearing the number thirty-three." Angela said throwing googlie eyes at Tim who didn't seem to notice

"Me too!" Ashley agreed with Angela.

"Who's number thirty-three?" Exy asked.

The girl's mouth hung open.

"I'm number thirty-three" Tim said making Exy turn to look at him.

She smiled a polite smile then said.

"Oh that's right. You did mention that the first day." Exy said turning her attention back to her work.

"So you're not going to our big game?" Tim asked her.

Still looking down at her paper Exy answered.

"No, I'll be busy at that time."

"So your gonna go to the after party then?" Tim added.

Exy looked up. "I don't like going out." She said.

"Who doesn't like going out?" Ashley said as Tim looked at her then at Exy waiting for an answer.

"I guess me." Exy answers with a smile and a light giggle getting a smile Tim.

"Well the party tonight is at my place, you're invited babe." Tim said.

"Oh, geez thanks!" Exy says a little sarcastically as she holds a hand up to her chest.

"What about us?" Angela asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah you girls are invited as well." Tim says.

"Well let's hope this party of yours is a success." Exy says writing something down on her paper.

"They always are." Ashley says while Angela adds "Yeah."

"So maybe I'll..." Tim was saying but once again gets cut off by the bell.

Exy packed her things and started heading to the door before anyone from her table did, but stopped half way and turned around.

"Bye guys. You guys have fun. Good luck number thirty-three." She says to them and turns around before they have time to answers and she's out the door.

This time Tim doesn't let anyone keep him from catching up to her, and half way to their next class he has fallen into step with her.

"You were lying right?" Tim say's startling Exy who hadn't noticed he was next to her.

"Oh, uh about what?" she answers.

"All the football stuff, you know the whole 'it's over rated' and you've never gone to a game thing." Tim said with a side smile.

"Of course....not. I was just saying it how it is." Exy said smiling at him.

"Come on you've never had the urge to come see me in my football uniform?" Tim said.

Exy laughed.

"Oh dear lord. You know,  you're one conceded person." Exy said still laughing.

"Well I am pretty hot." Tim answered.

"Are you now?" Exy said sarcastically. They had now reached the front of both of their classes and Exy turned to look towards hers.

"So, just in case you do want to go to the party, my house is on Jonas Street and .." Tim started saying before getting cut off by Exy.

"Irving way, I know." She said.

"You know?" Tim said as he smiled.

"Yeah, I live on that street too. We've lived by each other since freshmen year. Guess you wouldn't know that though. Look Tim I don't see why you keep bugging me about this. I'm not like the other girls you're probably us to "getting" or whatever you like to call it. I don't like football, I don't go out, and honestly I'm not a big fan of yours." Exy said.

"But.. I.. why?" Tim said with a confused look on his face.

"Just stop wasting your time, please. The first time you ever talked to me you were asking for money, oh yeah after you dropped all my shit. People like you and people like me, we don't fit. Look I respect you as an athlete but as a person not so much." Exy said.

"Woah. Look I'm sorry about that. But that was in the past all I'm asking is for you to come out and watch a game, maybe attend a party afterwards. You didn't have to go all this (He gestures at her) on me" Tim answers.

"Yeah. Ok. I'm gonna go now." Exy says gesturing to her classroom door.

"No wait. I'm sorry about that. I really am. I.... I honestly don't know why I'm doing this." Tim says rubbing his forehead.

"Don't over think it now." Exy said.

"I'm trying to be sincere here." Tim said a little frustrated.

"I'm sorry. Look it's nice of you to apologize. I accepted it. But I was being honest when I said I'm just not interesting in those types of things. You have fun. Good Luck tonight ok?" Exy said as she started to walk to her classroom.

Tim stood there for awhile even after the bell rang.

"What just happened?" He told himself and added. "Why do you care Tim." As he walked to his class.

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