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~The next day~

"First year students will require: three sets of work robes, one wand." I start by reading the letter

"Essential bit of equipment, Y/n."

"One pair of dragon-hide gloves." he turns to Hagrid "Hagrid, do they mean for a real dragon?"

"Well, they don't mean for a penguin, do they? Heh. Crikey, but not a dragon."

"All students must be equipped with...one standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad. Could we find all this in London?" I start reading of the list again.

"If you know where to go."

We walk towards a corner store and as they get closer, the sign above it has "The Leaky Cauldron" magically appearing. They enter the Leaky Cauldron. There was music and several patrons that are speaking to each other.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" The bartender asks

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping the young twins here buy his school supplies."

"Bless my soul. It's the Potter twins."

The pub immediately goes silent and everyone notices. A man comes up and shakes Our hands.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back." A random person come up to harry.

"Doris Crockford, Ms. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last."

"T-The P-potter twins. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you."

"Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts."

Harry: Oh, nice to meet you. Harry puts out his hand offering a handshake with Quirrell. But he ignores it.

"F-fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Heheh."

"Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy. Heh."

Hagrid: See, you're famous!

"But why are we famous, Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who we were?"

"I'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry."

Hagrid taps some brick in some kind of pattern and the stone bricks turn to a street with people going up and down.

"Welcome, to Diagon Alley. Here's where you'll get your quills and ink, and over there all your bits and bobs for doing your wizardry."

"But, Hagrid, how am we sopposed to pay for all this? We haven't any money." I ask

"Well, there's your money." he points to a tall, white, marble building, Labled Gringotts Bank.

"Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'aint no place safer, 'cept perhaps Hogwarts."(A/N: oh, please)

Inside the bank, we walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at their desks.

"Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are these things?" I tilt my head.

"They're goblins, Y/n. Clever as they come goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me."

Hagrid clears his throat as we approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it. "Ms Potter and Mr Potter wish to make a withdrawal."

"And do The Potters have there key?" The goblin ask

"Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. There's the little devil." Hagrid being to Whispers "Oh, and there's something else as well. He Takes out a letter wrapped in a string.

Letters // draco x readerWhere stories live. Discover now