Awkward Car Ride

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A/N: Seriously don't know what the actual hell is this. Please be patient. I just came back from a 7-hour car ride and I formed this.
I used Google Translate, so if the translation is wrong, I apologise.

*In Natasha's car, 12:49 AM*

'Wait, let me get this straight,' Sam said, awkwardly shoved in between Wanda and Clint, both of whom were uncomfortable. 'You knew Barnes before?'

Natasha sighed. 'Yes,' she said, driving the car, looking at him from the rear view mirror. Steve, who was alongside her, looked at her, visibly upset, listening carefully. She avoided looking into Steve's eyes.

'He was my trainer and--NO! We never had sex! Stop smiling, Clint

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'He was my trainer and--NO! We never had sex! Stop smiling, Clint.' she yelled at Clint, who was wiggling his eyebrows, grinning at her.

'Sure,' Clint scoffed. 'And I can lift Thor's hammer. '

'We did kiss,' Bucky spoke up, thrown forcefully in the trunk, along with Scott, by two obvious people, who currently had mixed feelings about them ( Sam & Natasha ) . 'It was nice, even if it was cold as f*ck.'

Natasha lost control and nearly crashed them into a tree, but managed to swerve right and got back on the road. She exhaled furiously.

'Закрой свой проклятый рот, Барнс,' ['Shut your damn mouth, Barnes,'] Natasha warned with an unusually sharp tone, usually and more than often used by Steve on everyone, especially Natasha. Или я брошу тебя в канализацию.' ['Or I'll throw you down the drains.']

Only two people understood her, and one of them laughed hysterically, getting glares by the people besides her, while the other's eyes widened and zipped his mouth shut. Others looked confused.

'The point is,' Natasha emphasised further. 'We never kissed, get that bullsh*t out of your head. And we never will.' She said, clearing her throat.

'But you love him?', Steve asked her, rather sadly.

'I mean,' she said, shrugging. 'I have respect for him, a very deep one, but no, I have no romantic feelings for him. I would rather jump off a cliff for nothing than ever marry him.'

'Ooh,' Clint remarked. 'Don't want to see that day.'

Steve unconsciously exhaled in relief and smiled, only to look away from Wanda's smug face.

'Ouch,' a new voice said. It was Scott. 'That hurts.'

'You keep quiet,' Sam snapped. 'Without your astronaut, shrinking-expanding suit, you are sh*t.'

'Ah, who said that?' Scott said mockingly. 'Why, it's the guy who's giant wings are missing and is the one who lost the goddamn fight.'

'I have to say,' Wanda spoke up. 'At first I thought he was an idiot. Now I think he's okay.'

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