First Words

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Summary: Steve and Natasha try to get their twins to say their first words

Steve: *lying on the floor, with the twins sitting on his stomach* Come on, James, Sarah, it's simple, da-da. Come on, da-da.

Natasha: *lying with him on the floor, stroking Steve's hair, pinching Sarah's cheek* Why only you? What about me?

Steve: Saying ma-ma is challenging for babies. *shakes James's hand*

Natasha: Fair enough, *gets of the floor, picks up Sarah and lifts her up, kisses her nose* Come on, Sarah, please say it for ma-ma.

James: *stuttering* Da-d-eee. *drools, laughs*

Steve: Young man, that's not right, that's for your mom to call me, in the same place where you were created. *smirks at Natasha, who nearly dropped Sarah*

Natasha: *raises an eyebrow* Seriously, Steve, we have twins, why more kids? Come on Sarah, your turn.

Sarah: *Sticks her tongue out, blows raspberries, laughs*

Natasha: Ew, my face. *scrunches her nose up* Please, for gosh sakes.

Sarah: Ma-m-aa-mee. *giggles*

Natasha: Aww, Yay. *tickles Sarah's stomach with her nose, Sarah laughs hysterically* Difficult to pronounce, genius? *smiles sarcastically at Steve*

Steve: If it wasn't for me setting that challenge, she couldn't have said it. *gets up, picks up James*

Natasha: Haha, funny, trade now. *takes James* Come on, buddy, say it, please or I won't let your dad *smirks at Steve, who rolls his eyes, smirking back* sleep on our bed. For another 8 months.

Steve: *widens his eyes, places Sarah on the floor, grabs James, gets down on both his knees, supports James to stand up* Please say ma-ma for once, please, please. I didn't get to sleep in the same bed with your mother for 8 months, do you understand how hard that is? To see the Black Widow, always horny as hell, trying to make a move on you and you can't do anything about it? Come on, James Clinton Romanoff-Rogers, say "ma" atleast.

Natasha: *laughs* You're really pathetic, but I love you. It will be my loss also, Steve. I mean, that time when I was 6 months pregnant and you came out in nothing but a towel around your waist from our bathroom, *sighs* god, for the first time in my life, I hated you being in a towel, because I could only mentally undress you.

Steve: *blinks* Did we just tell very graphic stories about our lust for each other to our 1 year-olds? Are we terrible parents?

Natasha: *clears throat* They won't ever know, but let's keep our mouth shut, okay?

James: Ma-ma *points at her, giggles*

Steve: Huh, and Sarah, dear? *picks her up from the floor*

Sarah: Da-da *tilts her head innocently, reaches out her hands to touch his face*

Natasha: Steve, are you okay? *sees tears falling down his eyes* Oh, darling. *also has tears in her eyes, picks up James, kisses his forehead, hugs all of them*

Steve: *sniffs* Its just, that, I never thought I could have a family of my own, and now I am married to the love of my life, have two great children with her, its all too good to be true.

Natasha: Neither did I, I thought they- *swallows*- took it away from me- *looks at Steve, sees Sarah isn't there* and she somehow managed to climb up my shoulders-Ow Sarah! Stop pulling my hair, I know it's pretty, pull your brother's hair. Steve! Do something! Get James, God dam- No, shouldn't say that.

Steve: Huh, she's just like you, sneaky, adorable, very small, can't imagine a life without her, green eyes, and also, has a weird fear of birds and rats. *looks at the floor, sees James is gone*

Natasha: Birds are really scary, okay? And rats are disgusting. *pulls Sarah down from her shoulder, holds her with one arm, grips Sarah's hands with the other* And I'm more than grateful that someone shares that, and why is our son punching the wall? *sees James punching weakly at the wall* Steve, go! *pushes her husband with the hand she was holding Sarah's hand with*

Steve: *holds James away from him* We should seriously watch our children more.

Natasha: Agreed. Is it wrong that I am terrified of my children?

Steve: After I met you, I'm terrified of every short person.

Natasha: Another reason out of infinite reasons why I love you.

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