44 | Between Best Friends

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Something was seriously wrong with San.

Sitting in the otherwise empty lunch room next to Yeosang, Wooyoung was staring unconsciously at his friend eating his lunch, while his mind wandered.

He'd barely seen or spoken to San since they'd gotten back from his hometown, with the exception of practices and shoots. His texts went unread, or replied to with two word responses, and every time he'd tried to talk to him without people around to interrupt, it had been like talking to a brick wall.

At first, he'd felt wounded... Felt like he was being ignored.

A little tiny, delicate piece of him inside was terrified that somehow, he had figured out about his conflicted emotions, and was disgusted—cutting him off altogether. He felt like he'd been rejected, without having even ever said anything, and for too long, his stomach had churned anxiously, worried he'd ruined their friendship...

He still felt that nervous twisting, filled with fear... However the last couple of days, he'd begun to wonder whether his own romantic dilemmas had caused him to be blinded to the whole picture.

Once he'd taken a step back, he'd noticed San wasn't just doing it to him alone. Everyone seemed to be getting his cold shoulder.

And from the moment he'd realised, suddenly, ninety percent of his thoughts were on San—worried about him... Wanting to help, but not knowing how...

'Ya? Hello? Earth to Wooyoung? What are you doing?'

Snapping out of is thoughts, he winced when suddenly, Yeosang reached out and flicked him in the head.

'Ow! Ya!' he complained, rubbing his temple.

'Don't ya me,' the blonde said, sleek eyes narrowed. 'You're staring at me while I'm trying to eat.'

He rolled his eyes at him. 'And is that a crime?'

'I like to eat in peac—' Before Yeosang could finish his sentence, a staff member walked into the lunch room, and with it, the blonde's façade went up reflectively, his sass evaporating and his catlike sleek eyes turning almost doe-like and sweet.

He was so used to seeing it that he didn't blink an eye, however thinking back to what Yeosang had been forced to go through before they'd moved companies... The horrifying, sickening reasons his guards were so high... Someone who had been so innocent and trusting and friendly, before...

His heart throbbed, but he knew better than to let it show. The other members might not have understood Yeosang, or why he was the way he was, but he did. Intimately. And he thought he had every right. Didn't blame him in the slightest.

As sad as it was...

The staff member left with their lunch from the fridge, and letting out a breath, dropping his walls, Yeosang nudged him with his foot under the table. 'Ya. What's wrong with you? You're acting weird.'

'Gee, thanks.'

'Don't give me that bullshit. Start talking.'

Swallowing, he sat back in his chair, poking his cling wrapped sandwich in front of him as he thought about San... If he was to tell anyone the truth, it would be Yeosang, without a doubt. Close friends, and someone who understood romantic conflict with men, he would understand, and wouldn't judge him at all...

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